“I’m in the wind business … I’ve lost my ass in the business.”
Host Joe Scarborough said laughing, “You’ve invested more in alternative energy than anybody else.”
Pickens continued, “Obama needs to go in, study it, look at it, and decide what an energy plan is, and then go forward with it. He needs to explain to his people, ‘Hey, we can get on everything green. We can get on everything renewable. Then the cost of power will go up ten times.’
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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Pickens deserves to lose his fortune. This idiot backed Obama in 2008, thinking it would benefit his ill conceived investments.
Gator, T. Boon Pickens richly deserves the hair cut he is getting. This Fascist want-to-be made out like a bandit during the Natural Gas ramp up. Ya’ll forgot about those almost info-commercials Pickens ran all over the tube touting NG a few years back didn’t you? As my grand daddy use to say, “He’s got enough money to burn a wet mule.”
No one anywhere is making money off wind energy unless they are clamped onto one public teat or the other, and that is what Pickens has his mouth set to do. If you will look up the phrase “Rent Seeking Behavior” in the encyclopedia, Pickens face will be on the page staring back at you.
BP and Shell OIl funded the CRU.
Ged Davis a VP of Shell Oil wrote the ‘scenarios’ (Alternate futures) for the IPCC as a Lead Author.. His Scenario B1 – Sustainabiltiy aka Agenda 21 had this for social development and energy:
So the goal was ALWAYS to nove from coal and oil (which Shell and BP did not control) to Natural Gas which they control large chunks of.
The Anti-fracking and Anti-pipline crowd must be giving Shell and BO nightmares…. ROTFLMAO!!!
Confessions of a recovering kool-aid drinker. It’s nice to see a crony capitalist getting his just deserts.
This reminds me of the German billionaire who lost several hundred million dollars in a project in the Amazon some time ago. It seems he didn’t know the most elementary facts about tropical rain forest ecology such as the fact that most of the biomass is in the trees. These high rollers really don’t seem very bright, although this is still a small sample size.
Apologies for the test message. AT&T was trying to identify why my phone suddenly stopped remaining logged in.
Food and energy poverty are the result of a 1945 decision to hide the source of energy in cores of the U and Pu atoms that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki on Aug 6, 1945 and Aug 9, 1945:
Pickens antithesis is Buffett, who stated he loves apocalyptic climate change predictions.
“In his annual letter to shareholders released on Saturday, Buffett wrote that strong insurance results helped Berkshire earn $19.48 billion last year on $182.15 billion in revenue. That’s up from earnings of $14.82 billion on $162.46 billion in revenue in 2012. ‘I love apocalyptic predictions on climate change’, Buffett told CNBC on Monday, because they probably do affect rates.”
Moral: Bet against green technology and clima-strology.
Buffet talks out both sides of his mouth. He is a big government fan as long as it is others paying the bill, and not him. He’s all for high taxes on himself in theory, but not in reality.
Sure does not hurt that high taxes on income and high estate taxes create demand for life insurance, which his companies happen to sell.
He could voluntarily generate the largest personal tax bill in history, simply by selling and buying back his stock. He’d still own the exact same shares, but would owe tax on the capital gains.
It is telling that instead of his fortune going to the government when he dies, it is going to non-profit foundations and organizations. Because he knows that the government would just waste the money, while the foundations stand a chance of doing good things. Yet again, he completely believes that others should be paying higher taxes.
The entire wind component of the Picken’s Plan was in order to free up natural gas to be used for transportation. His plan had the two pieces because he knew that wind and solar was never going to displace fossil fuels for transportation. But back then, the only way to have enough natural gas to be a viable option for vehicles was if it wasn’t used for electricity.
Fracking and the natural gas glut tanked the wind side of the plan. Because the plan was war on coal plus high natural gas prices makes wind and solar more palatable. Plus he wanted the government to build transmission lines from Texas to areas with higher demand, like California.
He should have concentrated on the natural gas transportation side, as that would have been a huge beneficiary of the low natural gas prices. Short or medium range trucking or something like that.
Apparently, biofuels in the UK include aborted babies used to heat hospitals. What’s next? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/10717566/Aborted-babies-incinerated-to-heat-UK-hospitals.html
Not to worry.
Al Gore dumped all his Green Energy stock and is investing Natural Gas Pipelines…. ROTFLMAO!!!
I love T. Boone Pickens for showing that rich people can be dumber than us little people.
That article is dated 11th April 2012. How is T bone doing now?
He’s a sprightly old bugger though. He married again on 14th February 2014.
Married again? That doesn’t seem too smart.
Just kidding, dear…