Bad Graphs From Last Night

Last night I posted graphs showing record January cold in Texas and Maryland. I pulled those posts because I did not generate the underlying data using the correct parameters.

Here are the correct graphs

 ScreenHunter_6021 Jan. 13 07.44 ScreenHunter_6020 Jan. 13 07.44ScreenHunter_6028 Jan. 13 10.17

YearTDeptUS (5)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Bad Graphs From Last Night

  1. omanuel says:

    Perhaps we work under too much pressure, Tony.

    We each have to do what is right and turn the outcome over to the Higher Power that rules the universe.

    This “sermon” is for me, too.

  2. skeohane says:

    Steven, I think you might have meant 2015 through Jan 11, not 2014.

  3. nielszoo says:

    Oh Steven, you’re doing it again. You’re never going to get those peer reviewed climate science accolades if you keep admitting to and fixing mistakes. A real climate “scientist” is never, ever wrong and his/her proper response to someone who points out an “error” is to insult, denigrate and ridicule the critic, especially when the critic is right. I actually think that response is so ingrained in the average Climateer that if they pointed out their own mistakes they’d be instinctively, genetically driven to insult themselves and then ban their own publications and posts. You know, like a heat crazed scorpion stinging itself to death. (Wow, yet another climate change induced problem.)

  4. gator69 says:

    Obviously you are no climatologist! The data obviously needed adjusting, and not the graphs.

  5. rah says:

    Thanks for being honest Tony. It merely reinforces my impression that your integrity supersedes your ego and that, in this truck drivers opinion, is not only a quality essential to being a good scientist, but is also a characteristic found in all good people.

  6. _Jim says:

    Thanks Tony; contributing to this have been a number of unusual cold fronts that move in, in succession, followed by persistent cloud ‘deck’ post frontal passage. Our diurnal temp variation (warming during the day) here in Tejas has turned out to be less than 4 degrees in these events … this has made for a cold winter for us (and Oklahoma) so far this year …

  7. rw says:

    Slightly OT, but at the moment I’m looking out of my office window at a particularly healthy snowfall, which is beginning to stick on the ground. Ant this in a place (far off the maps above) where 10 years ago this kind of thing was almost unthinkable.

  8. EternalOptimist says:

    Good Man!

  9. Warren D. Walker says:

    Thank You

  10. Gail Combs says:

    Tony leads by example. Too bad the ClimAstrologists won’t follow.

    I saw this interesting comment over at Ice Age Now (The UK is getting snow)

    Paul says:
    January 13, 2015 at 2:29 pm

    So far the winter in Scotland has been very mild almost on a par with last year but at least there has been some snow and more on the way after a very stormy Thursday night. Incidentally although last winter was one of the mildest on record for the British isles the Scottish mountains received their largest ever snow totals over 50 feet or 15.24 meters level snow with much larger drifts.

    No wonder the snow didn’t melt last summer!

    • bit chilly says:

      gail,the met office has a new 90 million plus gbp super computer for forecasting. the forecasts were more accurate before they had the previous 30 million plus gbp super computer. so far forecast precipitation,wind speed and direction for my area have been wrong on so many occasions i have lost count.

      i know no professional seafarers or recreational sea anglers that use met office weather predictions for planning ,it would be dangerous to do so. a complete waste of tax payers money as far as i am concerned.

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