if we do not act forcefully, we’ll continue to see rising oceans, longer, hotter heat waves, dangerous droughts and floods, and massive disruptions that can trigger greater migration, conflict, and hunger around the globe. The Pentagon says that climate change poses immediate risks to our national security.
This is almost identical to what the CIA said about global cooling in 1974.
Oceans have been rising for 20,000 years. King Canute also thought he could stop the rise of the seas.
According to the EPA, heat waves in the US peaked in the 1930’s and have been declining ever since.
Floods and droughts show no trend. Worst droughts were in the 1930s.
I will not let this Congress endanger the health of our children
The dictator speaks. He is seizing control of the government from the evil elected representatives of the people – for the good of the kids.
And thanks to lower gas prices and higher fuel standards, the typical family this year should save $750 at the pump.
The guy who promised to make energy prices skyrocket, is taking credit for lower energy prices which he tried to block.
Obama shows how corrupt “The Great Social Experiment of 1945-2015” became just before collapse:
Unfortunately, the entire structure of government science must be rebuilt to eliminate fraud-for-funds or just eliminate government support for science.
With kind regards,
Oliver K. Manuel
The Problem: Totalitarian rule by world leaders and puppet scientists for the past seventy years (1945-2015):
1. Created a false conflict between physical sciences and spirituality.
2. Obscured the Sun’s control over every atom, life and world in the solar system.
3. Destroyed the integrity of science and constitutional limits on government.
4. Left society unprepared to survive 1 AU (astronomical unit) from a stormy pulsar.
The Solution: ? ? ? Must extend far beyond the limits of solar, nuclear and climate science, like problems identified in “The Great Social Experiment of 1945-2015?
Those who don’t know Climate History are condemned… condemned…
Condemned to remain ignorant Progressives…
I’m starting to think they don’t care if temperatures go up or down. I think they’ll use whatever the current trend is to justify skyrocketing fossil fuel prices. Only thing they don’t seem to realize is that energy companies are in the energy business. IOW, they don’t care if it’s “renewables” or fossil fuels, the same companies will be providing it if it’s viable. Right now, it’s not viable without subsidies (hence the need to bring up fossil fuel prices).
I think Obama is recycling the old tricks from Darwin
Major Darwin Predicts Civilization’s Doom Unless Century Brings Wide Eugenic Reforms
Eugenic reforms must be adopted within the next hundred years if civilization is to go on, was the message of Major Leonard Darwin, son of Charles Darwin, founder of the modern theory of evolution, read last night at the Third International Congress of Eugenics, which opened yesterday at the American Museum of Natural History.
Poor King Canute – still being blackened by history. He was showing his subjects that he was just a man, not in any way God like. The tide would no more obey him than anyone of them.
His death with no heir prompted a power struggle that led to the Norman French invasion of England.
As with past temperatures, Canute has been unfairly denigrated.
Funny how just 2 or 3 guys made the whole temperature of earth lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAj_lZv4Gxc&index=407&list=FL8TNoCa__SKk7C3g34Ct9NA
Obama is not afraid to tell an untruth. He has done nothing that I would consider a positive accomplishment during his six years. A complete failure.
The usual fire and brimstone bullshit of the deranged.
The deranged are the most dangerous as they think they are following a higher calling.
Immediate risk to national security? How absolutely pathetic. Its absurd that the military has to resort to promoting this scam in order to up their budget. They have to be smart enough to understand the absurdity of it all. The country cannot withstand such blatant and outrageous corruption among those that pretend to be leaders.
Poor Old King Canute is still being treated as if he did not know that he could not control the seas. He actually assembled his court at the sea edge to show them that there were limits to even his power. He knew that one power that he did not have was controlling the sea..
Unlike Canute, Obama seems deluded enough to actually believe that he can control the seas and the weather and climate too.
Skeeter has no such delusions of impotence…
Sea level Rise
Steve is using a graph from WIKI
Perhaps a better graph from WIKI is this graph where you can actually see the Holocene Highstand and the fact that sea levels have dropped since the Holocene Optimum if you discard the Santa Catarina outlier.
So the data is not raw data but adjusted data. Lets look at more information on that Santa Catarina outlier that keeps the curve from showing a decrease in sea level. (After reading the entire study, I would toss all the Santa Catarina data points because they are suspect.)
Tectonic influences on the preservation of marine terraces: Old and new evidence from Santa Catalina Island, California
R. Randall Schumann a,?, Scott A. Minor a, Daniel R. Muhs a, Lindsey T. Groves b, John P. McGeehin
Article history:
Received 18 November 2011
Received in revised form 22 August 2012
Accepted 27 August 2012
More recent evidence suggests “Santa Catalina Island has recently experienced, and may still be experiencing, relatively rapid uplift, causing intense landscape rejuvenation that removed nearly all traces of marine terraces by erosion.” Therefore the outlier may have been ‘adjusted’ incorrectly for this period.
From the report itself is this rather amusing tidbit.
If you have the time reading the study is worth it. It is an excellent example of how science should be done with readable text illustrated with good photo and graphs.
I think the Santa Catarina mentioned in the sealevel graph is distinct from Catalina island here in California.
Yes, you are quite correct. One is called Santa Catarina, the island off California . And the other Catalina Brazil. I was wondering if that letter was an L or an R. I temporarily lost my glasses this morning so the astigmatism struck again…GRRrrrr. However the Santa Catarina Island study was fascinating so I don’t regret the mistake. Reads like a detective mystery to me.
The Brazil site is also quite interesting. And again the “5.1 ky BP” Holocene Highstand is evident.
The Quaternary Geological History of the Santa Catarina Southeastern Region (Brazil) 1999
The first part discusses drilling in several locations and analyzing samples. They mention dating prior to that was guesses. “…. A drilling campaign done in the domain permitted the sampling of material for 14C datings, and the obtained data confirmed some previously assumed ages. The sequence of events, that originated the Holocene deposits, has been also reconstructed through drilling and 14C dating of the collected peat and shell samples…”
In the body of the text is this:
So once again evidence that sea levels have dropped since the Holocene Optimum and evidence that of “warmer paleotemperatures were favourable for great proliferation of mollusks in the area”
More on sea level.
As with all the other data related to CAGW it has been ‘reworked’ to support instead of refute the current propaganda.
A new study I just found:
Late Quaternary highstand deposits of the southern Arabian Gulf: a record of sea-level and climate change
Make sense to me. Put together the forest being revealed under the melting Alaska glaciers and IIRC most of the NE shore line glaciers in Greenland we also only aged to 4000 to 5000 years old. The ice had to come from somewhere.
Most of the Antarctic is gaining ice, Greenland is gaining ice, and Himalaya Glaciers are Growing.
(Remove [*]s WordUnimpressed hates this website and bans links to it.)
This study says Norway glaciers have been growing too: A new approach for reconstructing glacier variability based on lake sediments recording input from more than one glacier January 2012
Note the last period of “significantly reduced glacier extent.. identified” is ” ~ 900 cal yr BP” or ~ 1100 AD = the Medieval Warm Period.
“The guy who promised to make energy prices skyrocket, is taking credit for lower energy prices which he tried to block.”
I seem to recall that Obama also tried to take credit for the increase in domestic oil and natural gas production during his re-election campagain in his 1st presidential debate with Romney. I remember Romney setting Obama straight on that particular issue, saying that all of the production increases were occuring on private and state lands, while production on federal lands had actually decreased during the same time. It was one of the few moments where I was proud of Romney.
Gavin Schmidt is from the UK did Maths at Oxford.
Romney also warned that Russia was our greatest geopolitical foe, Skeeter made fun of him for that, and Skeeter now looks the fool that he is.
Seems every prediction made by republicans came true – while the democrats were laughing at them.
The next two years are going to be very similar to taking a long-long road trip with a troubled 12 Y/O in the front seat; I hope we can hang on long enough.
The graph showing the heatwave of the 1930s is awesome, it could also show the rapid expansion and reduction of the farm subsidies that was really responsible for the dust bowl (Dirty Thirties).
The “Suitcase Farmers” leaving bare-dirt and the drought took much of the blame for the Dust Bowl but it was FDR and still is corporate hedging that is draining our coffers; food stamps, free healthcare, subsidized housing, Obama phones, free college, $7K per month to foster each illegal…
Profits before the country right?
The Pentagon that said there was WMDs now says there is Global Warming when in the 1970s it was Global Cooling https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10150522817674999&set=vb.5281959998&type=2&theater