Little Or No Global Warming Since 1990

Screenshot 2016-03-31 at 08.30.54 AM

Wood for Trees: Interactive Graphs

Contrary to the endless lies of government climate scientists, there has been little or no troposphere warming since 1990. There was also no troposphere warming from the 1950s to 1990 or 2000.

CX6lfeUU0AAPchx (1)

When did this imaginary global warming occur?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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31 Responses to Little Or No Global Warming Since 1990

  1. oppti says:

    Unusual warm in the Arctic area during this winter. Must bee the sun heating up!
    Or could it bee the warm water coming from the open sea in the Atlantic and the Pacific during an El Nino Year?

  2. saveenergy says:

    Winter 2015/16 brought a lot of warm wet winds across the Atlantic over Britain up the north Sea over Scandinavia towards the Barents Sea….where the ice melted.
    the rest of the Arctic has been as cold as a witches tit.
    N pole today is -28°C
    & 80N 144W it’s -37°C
    see more –,85.20,277/loc=-164.740,89.272

  3. ren says:

    El Niño affects the increase in pressure in the Arctic in January. Polar vortex was strong. In February, occurred a sudden rise in temperature in the stratosphere and winds in the stratosphere weakened.

  4. ren says:

    Sunday: Cardinals vs. Pirates
    The first pitch of the 2016 MLB season will take place on a chilly and breezy afternoon in Pittsburgh as the Cardinals head to Pennsylvania to take on the Pirates at 1:05 p.m. EDT.
    People in the grandstands will want to bundle up as it may be one of the coldest home openers of any team this season due to the shifting polar vortex unleashing cold in the Great Lakes region.
    “High temperatures Sunday afternoon will reach the lower 40s F, which is about 15 degrees below average,” AccuWeather Meteorologist Brian Edwards said.
    Gusty winds will put an extra chill in the air, making it feel more like winter rather than spring.
    “RealFeel® Temperatures will be in the 20s during pre-game tailgates and in the 30s during the game,” Edwards added.
    Weather conditions may impact play during the game. Gusty winds can alter the path of fly balls while the cold air impacts the way that pitchers grip baseballs.

  5. Andy DC says:

    There was some warming from 1980 through most of the 1990’s, but that was after approximately 40 years of cooling from 1940-1980. So net result was basically flat.

    • smamarver says:

      Here’s a hypothesis I trust; it is relied on World War II: in the autumn of 1939, the naval warfare ended within four war months which reversed the two decade warming trend and determined the cooling phenomenon which started with three extreme war winters in Northern Europe and which lasted four decades, until 1980. For me, it is very clear that there’s a strong connection between oceans, the war at sea and climate change, and here are many arguments to sustain this theory:

  6. omanuel says:

    The latest abuse of science to promote false information was driven by fear of nuclear annihilation in Dear friends,

    Below is a pdf file of the message sent to the UN Secretary General, Presidents of the US National Academy of Sciences and the UK’s Royal Society, and Nature’s editor yesterday:

    My goal is to remove any and all doubt about the intentions of current holders of high offices and bring the AGW debate to conclusion.

    The history of Ancient science has evidence of earlier disconnects in science, long before fear of nuclear annihilation disrupted science again in AUG-OCT 1945:

  7. OrganicFool says:

    CO2 sucks at keeping me warm this March.

  8. ren says:

    The current temperature in the Antarctic.

  9. gregole says:

    Hey, what if the El Nino itself it caused by underwater volcanic action? I discounted this some time ago – the scales are just off – ocean enormous; volcanoes small and localized. But more volcanoes are being found. And there is a huge finding of underwater volcanic action beneath Antarctica.
    And and interesting take on it here:

    So. If something else, not CO2 is driving El Nino; and what minute Man-Made Global Warming we see vanishes when we correct for El Nino; then CO2, the Man-Made kind, isn’t doing much of anything, if it is doing anything at all.

  10. ntesdorf says:

    The graph shows that without the El Ninos, there would be absolutely nothing to talk about. We have to be grateful to El Ninos.

  11. sam says:

    is that chart from 1990 adjusted satelite data or raw data? any explanation of all that as it seems like ihave seen conflicting satelite data..

    • AndyG55 says:

      “i have seen conflicting satellite data..”

      Show us where..

      • sam says:

        i saved this chart off this site from one of his previous blog.posts.
        what is that down-trending line exactly? it appears to be similar to the official chart that i often see “no warming for 19 years..” and the one that says ‘no warming’ appears to show a net change of exactly or almost exactly 0.00 ??

        • AndyG55 says:

          Ok, this comes from “woodfortrees” and the actual graph you have is from 2001 to 2015.2 with a couple of other settings and a linear trend added

          SG’s graph is 1990 to now, the peak of the current El Nino.

          The real issue with strict linear trends is that they don’t take into account any short term events like El Ninos, volcanic cooling events etc. and are a purely mathematic (non-thinking) straight line dependant heavily on the end points used.

          The current El Nino has a large impact on short term trend calculations, just like the 1998 one did. This is used by AGWers to attempt to show CO2 based warming where there really isn’t any. (El Ninos are a solar/cloud forced warming)

          Hope that helps a bit.

  12. Philip Shehan says:

    Where did that trend line come from? Here is the WFT linear regression line:

    Trend: 0.119 ±0.109 °C/decade

    An update:

    Trend: 0.136 ±0.108 °C/decade

    Plus data and trend from 1979. (Difficult to distinguish the trend lines. They are almost identical.)

    Trend: 0.135 ±0.062 °C/decade

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