The equipment shown above is the latest technology in climate engineering. Designed by God** – it has the following features.
- Converts greenhouse gases into oxygen.
- Stores solar energy efficiently, semi-permanently, and at very low cost.
- Reduces surface temperatures by converting solar energy into chemical energy, through evaporative cooling, and by creating shade.
- Replicates itself, creating even more carbon capture equipment.
- Zero cost and requires no mining of lithium or other rare earth elements.
- Biodegradable.
- Scenic and good for the environment.
** No government funding or climate scientists were involved in the development of this remarkable technology. Recovering the solar energy requires very low cost equipment, used by both George Washington and Ronald Reagan.
“I can not tell a lie, father”
“Then you will never be a climate scientist, son. Perhaps you should start a new country and be president instead.”