Daily Archives: January 3, 2019

The 1970s – Before Criminals Took Over Climate Science

In November 1976, National Geographic had a fairly objective discussion of climate. They showed how temperatures regularly take large swings, independent of human activities. They showed that most of the recession of glaciers in the Alps occurred before 1940. They … Continue reading

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New Video : 2018 – One Of The Least Extreme Years On Record In The US

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Eleven Years Of Arctic Sea Ice Thickening

Arctic sea ice volume continues its eleven year long expansion. Spreadsheet There has been a large expansion of thick ice into the Chukchi, Beaufort and East Siberian Seas since 2008. 2008                    2019 … Continue reading

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Extreme Drought In Los Alamos

Los Alamos, New Mexico has received five feet of snow in the past week, and eight feet of snow this winter, and is listed as having an “extreme drought” by the US drought monitor. New Mexico Snow Report – Pajarito … Continue reading

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