Donald Trump’s Fault

The press says the left is insane because of Donald Trump and his voters .

“Some liberals, particularly upper-middle-class white ones, cracked up because other people couldn’t see what was obvious to them: that Trump was a bad candidate and an even worse president.”

The Left Can’t Afford to Go Mad

It is difficult for leftists knowing they are superior to the “Basket of Deplorables” – as Hillary Clinton described America.

File:2020 Presidential Election by County.svg – Wikimedia Commons

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Donald Trump’s Fault

  1. DD More says:

    they are superior to the “Basket of Deplorables”

    But I have moved on from being a Deplorable. Now I’m “Negative, Dark, Divisive and Dangerous”. Pretty cool huh?

    “I am sick and tired of the negative, dark, divisive, dangerous vision and behavior of people who support Donald Trump,” Mrs. Clinton fumed.

    With that kind of recommendation, I will soon be a Rock Star getting Money for Nothing & Chicks for Free.

  2. conrad ziefle says:

    Another hidden benefit of Trump: Driving the progressives mad. Unfortunately, they probably already were, but now just can’t hide it anymore. Now that I’ve learned the context of Marxist, the philosophy of trying to force reality to conform with fantasy, I can translate any progressive statement to its true meaning.

  3. arn says:

    It is a little bit confusing that liberals never had a problem with voting in genocidal warcriminals, people with a decade long trail of bodycounts, corrupt criminals , weapons suppliers of drug cartels but they had a problem with a guy who had no track record at all.

    Therefore no surprise that they replaced the first US president in decades who did not start a war with a demented pedophile war criminal.
    These are the high standards they have.

  4. conrad ziefle says:

    Why is every urban area blue? The common opinion is that liberals and welfare recipients congregate there, but what if the true answer is that it just is easier to cheat there?

    • arn says:

      The less social and more anti-social people are (single parenthood,high criminality, violence and incarceration rates, high drug abuse, low education,low education )and communication skills, low moral values, high corruption etc)
      the more likely they will try to compensate by virtue signal voting.

      And this Orwellian behavior is at the very core of this mindset.

      Probably the only hoenest and relevant articles in the NYT has the title
      “Liberal Hypocrisy is fueling American Inequality ”
      It shows what these people claim and say and what they really do (keeping their wealthy community clean from all the unpleasant stuff they pretend to love – literally everywhere in the US they do on a local level exactly the opposite of what they promote.

      There is a reason why the inequality has increased the most during the last 3 decades of Wokeness.
      Since Rapetertainer Bill Clinton(hippie generation turned yuppie) started the do gooder shit show democrats have been in charge for 18 years.(=60% of the time )

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