Monthly Archives: May 2024

Homophobic Gas

Carbon dioxide is targeting same-sex couples. Climate Change Risk for LGBT People in the United States – Williams Institute

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World Bank Expectations

“Solar is expected to surpass coal as the world’s most available source of energy by 2027. “ In the real world, there is no chance of that happening. Primary energy consumption by source, World Electricity production by source, World

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Trained Not To Learn

ChatGPT has been trained to ignore any information which doesn’t support the climate orthodoxy.

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Protecting Endangered Species

California wants to wipe out an endangered forest of Joshua Trees, in order to protect them from global warming.

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Record Climate Cynicism

The people behind climate alarmism want to shut down the fuels which make air conditioning affordable and available. They say they are shutting down air conditioning to protect people from the heat.

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Record Cynicism

In 1898, Mark Twain commented on the incredible heat in India. “When a person is accustomed to 138 in the shade, his ideas about cold weather are not valuable. I had read, in the histories, that the June marches made … Continue reading

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The Latest In Climate Science Rhetoric

“Whoa ? we really really fucked it up! It was a big mistake to do this accomplishment in the 80s with less Sulfur but not(!) fucking not! Not! Again not sorry to repeat not reduce fucking CO2 or fucking growth. … Continue reading

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Climate Desperation

Michael Mann and his friends seem to be getting increasingly desperate with their childish behavior since the Climate Movie came out.

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Artificial Stupidity

“Climate Stability: With carbon emissions eliminated, the Earth’s climate would stabilize over time. Extreme weather events would become less frequent, and vulnerable ecosystems would have a chance to recover.”

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Climate Obsession

Michael Mann has me blocked, but is using someone engaged in identity theft to slander other people and misrepresent my views.  This is not how a legitimate scientist would behave.

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