Monthly Archives: July 2024

Global Warming in Nevada

Almost all of the claimed warming in Nevada is due to urban heat island effects at Las Vegas, and the recent addition of hot desert stations like Laughlin.

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Saving The Climate With Soy

“The Yarra City Council is urging residents to do their bit in tackling “the climate crisis” by adopting a vegetarian diet. The council will also look to traditional Aboriginal land management practices to fight climate change and wants to “decolonise” … Continue reading

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“created for public confusion”

Senator Inhofe was the most vocal person in the US Senate fighting against the climate scam.  Even after his death, he is still exposing the incompetence of this cult. This is the desmog article John Mashey linked to. “On January … Continue reading

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Earth Granted Fifty Year Reprieve

In 1989, the UN said we only had until the year 2000 to save the planet from global warming. U.N. Predicts Disaster if Global Warming Not Checked The deadline has been pushed back, and now the planet won’t be destroyed … Continue reading

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Subtle Propaganda

NBC News conflating French conservatives with genocidal, brutal NAZI occupiers. “To prevent a humiliating scenario where his decision brings about France’s first far-right government since the Nazi occupation in World War II, Macron has broken away from his regular allegiance … Continue reading

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Infinite Paranoia

Michael Mann believes that anyone who disagrees with his nonsense is part of a grand conspiracy.

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“weaponized disinformation victim”

Michael Mann is getting crazier by the day, as the walls close in on his fantasy world.

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Latest From Michael Mann

Michael Mann calls for Biden to use the military to kill President Trump and the Supreme Court  

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