Assessing Climate Risk

“more Americans die from choking than from bad weather.”

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Assessing Climate Risk

  1. ‘specific statistics for weather-related deaths were not provided in the search results’. Where, then is there any evidence for a ‘climate crisis’? It is pure speculation, baseless presumption and downright lies.

    • Greta Thunberg: ‘people are dying’. OK, show me the statistics.

      • William says:

        About three million people die every year in the US from all causes. As with The Pandemic they simply took an arbitrary percentage and called them “COVID-related”. Gunshot to the head? The COVID got ‘im. Similarly with “Climate-related” deaths. They just make stuff up. Statistics you say? Only a Science Denier needs statistics. People Are Dying!

    • oeman50 says:

      Or, as one person said during an environmental hearing for a power plant permit, “Show me the bodies!”

      He was commenting on the allegations of fatalities from the plant’s emissions.

  2. conrad ziefle says:

    Some obstructionists just need to be told to go to hell.

  3. William says:

    At one time the number of people killed with rifles in the US was the same as the number who died due to “doctors sloppy handwriting” (resulting in the misreading of orders) – around 500/year. This problem has been solved by AI. Although with AI there are only two possible answers to any question, yes or no. Or in human terms, life or death

  4. Bob G says:

    the weather has been bad in central Minnesota for a few days. very cold. but I saved my life and my family’s lives by suggesting we all go indoors where we heat our homes with “fossil” fuels. thank you big Coal and nat gas

  5. Disillusioned says:

    Rather than assessing Climate Risk, it appears that the majority of voters have been assessing the insanity of top-down, Woke ideology and Marxist programs which are detrimental to their preferred way of living.

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