COP29 Update

Three decades of international agreements to reduce greenhouse gases, have had no impact on the  accelerating growth of greenhouse gases.

Trends in CO2 – NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory

Trends in CO2 – NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to COP29 Update

  1. Greg in NZ says:

    By the time The Flying Circus gets to Brazil next year, I reckon the ‘red’ line will hit 500 – and the weather will still be the same. At least the music and the ‘scenery’ will improve, a la ‘Girl From Ipanema’ style.

    Money for nothing and the trips for free.

  2. Nicholas McGinley says:

    As we get ever closer to the inevitable collapse of the scam, the grifters become ever more desperate to cash in before it is too late.
    One thing I am certain of, is that the so-called “climate scientists” who have promulgated and perpetuated this malarkey, will be forever remembered as the most dishonest and corrupt thieves and lairs in the history of civilization, and as the crew that almost destroyed the entire concept of science as a method of elucidating objective reality.
    Their conception of deciding what is what, is exactly what science replaced, a system wherein self declared “experts” told everyone what to think and believe.

    • jeno denuzzi says:

      You know that in Medieval Times if the alchemists failed in their attempts to turn lead into gold they could be burnt at the stake!(Something for these “Modern Alchemists”to consider when they recklessly predict that we’ll all perish due to Global Warming!!!)

    • The problem lies with the academy. Accolades are awarded for incremental developments in existing folklore, and highly intelligent people develop the skills of rationalizing observed phenomena in terms of the existing orthodoxy. Originality is strongly discouraged. The only way new ideas become accepted is by forming new disciplines. Hence space science developed as a separate discipline from astronomy largely because of the obstruction its protagonists met from astronomers. The CO2 theory is what ‘climate scientists’ were taught, and being good students, their allegiance to it never faltered. It is not the first time nonsense has gained acceptance as scientific orthodoxy, but never has it had such a serious detrimental effect on society.

      • D. Boss says:

        Actually you are both right and both wrong. The death of the scientific method did not start with the climate scam, it’s deeper and more pervasive than that. Though it did start with academia. Gad Saad has been sounding the alarm for several decades about how the intellectuals in the halls of academia have corrupted rational thinking and perpetrated an overall mind virus which has parasitesized the minds of so many. ( Parasitic Ideas and the Death of Common Sense (THE SAAD TRUTH_1675) )

  3. Francis Barnett says:

    It’s worth noting that the much vaunted Mauna Loa observatory has no road access or power supply since lava flow from the last volcano eruption took out the road up to the observatory, and the power poles.
    There are plans to repair and re-establish the access to the observatory.
    However Donald Trump has stated that he will dismantle parts of the NOAA.

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