“Scientists Tell Us”

“Scientists tell us we have a 10-year window — if even that — before catastrophic climate change becomes inevitable and irreversible

Scientists project that the Arctic will be ice-free in the summer of 2013. Not in 2050, but four years from now.

Scientists now warn that the Himalayan glaciers which supply fresh water to a billion people in the region could disappear completely by 2035.”

John Kerry    Oct 16, 2009

We Can’t Ignore the Security Threat from Climate Change | HuffPost Impact

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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16 Responses to “Scientists Tell Us”

  1. William says:

    In 2000 “scientists told us” that Africa was in the grip of “an epidemic of biblical proportions (HIV/AIDS)” and since this dreaded epidemic affected primarily young sexually active people of child-bearing age the continent was facing an inevitable and rapid population collapse. The population of Africa has increased 5X since since 1960 and African fertility rates are the highest in the world. It is projected that by 2050 one in four people globally will be African. Those very same “scientists” pronounced themselves “baffled”.

  2. conrad ziefle says:

    If one out of 4 people globally are African, will it be my responsibility to stop them from starving, give them a place to live somewhere outside of Africa, or are they going to manage their own consequences?

    • arn says:

      Considering how much Africa contributed(except for excellence in slavery) since the end of the Pharaohs
      the answer seems obvious.
      After thousands of years it is unlikely that they will change within the next 25 without significant structural help from outside – and I don’t mean the standard western style kind of help( freedom,democracy,LGBT , IMF,Blackrock,Halliburton).

      • William says:

        The end of the Pharaohs roughly coincided with the Nubian Conquest c. 750 BCE. 17 centuries prior “Africans” contributed technological and architectural and artistic wonders that have been unmatched since. Although those Africans were likely of Mediterranean extraction, distinct from sub-Saharan “Nubians”. Africans come in many shades and they have had their share of success stories. Elon Musk for instance. By “change” do you mean “become more like us”? Why do that? “We” have done nothing but strip their resources and have used Africa as a lab to test the latest Safe and Effective pharma toxins and vaccines. They’re only Africans after all, one click above lab rats. The structural help they receive will be from BRICS/Eurasia as they leave The West, a sinking ship, behind

        • arn says:

          I do not think that they shall become like ” us” ;
          (I also think that you and me are from different cultural backgrounds,,and my ” us” had already a massive impact on them since the Ottoman built their slave hub in Sudan? and even prior to that)
          This is no option – and I think my last in the post was pretty clear.
          But there is a need for more (infra)structure ,education transparency and getting rid off western proxy governments – and they should better get this assistance from the bricks than from ” us” and use more reliable partners who help them use their potential instead of stealing their ressources.

          There was no Aids epidemic in Africa before they got help from western doctors(quite an interesting sudden development of a virus that is supposed to have been around forever ) and the islamic slave trade trade,incl forced sterilization of all black male slaves took a massive toll.
          So they should avoid by all means help from any of ‘us’ and look for more reliable partners with no ulterior motives.

    • William says:

      You might ask whose responsibility it will be to manage the consequences of centuries of brutal exploitation and hegemonic stupidity by The West, all financed with credit cards that are now maxed out. Americans at least are too stupid and lazy to manage anything much less the consequences of their passive disengagement an utter indifference to anything that occurs beyond their own borders. They will stand by submissively, compulsively texting, as the collective West devolves to a totalitarian nightmare

  3. arn says:

    Kerry ‘s fellow scientist comrat Boris Johnson admitted today that
    ” WE are waging a proxy war ( in Ukraine ).
    But we are not giving OUR PROXIES what they need to do the job”.

    Exposing one of the biggest lies besides AGW and Covid comes with certain questions.
    How can Ukraine fight for her sovereignty if she’s just a proxy?
    If Ukraine is already a Proxy;how much of a wigger will they become once they offially join EU and NATO?
    How can the “Free World” defend the borders of a country in the east
    but not it’s own borders in the west?
    How is it even possible that 97% of all western politicians,MSM and Big Tech are telling the same lies about Ukraine(and whose synchronized proxies are they then)?
    Why haven’t the Ukrainians been told that they are just front meat proxies?
    Isn’t it legitimate for Russia to target the originaters of the wars in their own country?
    When will Boris start telling the truth about Climate?
    Is the reason that Boris all of a sudden telling the truth not intentional but bidenesque because he started suffering from the kind of dementia as Joe?
    Can we expect more Bidenian slips from him?

  4. Disillusioned says:

    Whenever a climate scientist tells us anything, the opposite has much better odds of occurring. I mean muuuuuuuuuch better – not a climate prediction-one has ever come to fruition.

  5. ‘Scientists tell us’ =’some bloke down the pub said’ . The two phrases carry the same authority.

  6. czechlist says:

    I held the title of “scientist” at a major defense company back in the ’90s. I was conducting research in electro-physics. Do I get an opinion regarding climate science?
    I am also a Vietnam vet. This “scientist” and Nam vet holds reprehensible, despicable, carpetbagging, rat finks j f’in kerry’s and agore’s persons and “science” in the lowest possible regard.

  7. Billyjack says:

    Actually I appreciate that Kerry makes Greta look intelligent.

    • John Francis says:

      Did she go back to school after swearing she saw no hope because of you people?!
      Her two big dogs had methane capturing systems so no hypocrisy.

  8. dearieme says:

    In a generation of politicians who dodged service in Vietnam Kerry stood out as an exception. Yet as a politician he was so maladroit that he managed to transform his record into a weakness. I suspect the problem is that he’s simply dim and ignorant.

    (Somehow the spelling witch in my computer first wrote that as “dem and ignorant”; the wisdom of witches, eh?)

  9. Kerry is like a compulsive gambler, utterly convinced of the efficacy of his ‘system’, absolutely certain that it will work ‘this time’, despite the fact that it never did in the past.

    • Disillusioned says:

      You may be right that he is a useful idiot, so I may have given him more credit than he deserves. Being a consummate politician, I have assumed that he knows he is spreading lies for the globalist Agenda.

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