Droughts Becoming Shorter, Smaller And Less Frequent In North America

Roger Pielke Jr. slams John Holdren for his incompetence and abuse of power at the White House. A must read post.

ScreenHunter_92 Mar. 01 10.23

Roger Pielke Jr.’s Blog: John Holdren’s Epic Fail

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Droughts Becoming Shorter, Smaller And Less Frequent In North America

  1. Hugh K says:

    “Abuse of power” in this White House is sadly ‘the mainstream’. What is exceptionally mind-blowing is that it would be quite a stretch to label Roger Pielke Jr as a skeptic. So if the extreme leftists in the WH would consider somebody like Pielke Jr out of the the mainstream….that is incredibly chilling.

  2. It strikes me as a fight between Prince John and the Sheriff of Nottingham — both are bad, and neither will publicly admit they’re wrong in anything until King Richard the Lion-Hearted returns unexpectedly. Until then, trust only in the arrows of Robin Hood, the proud denier. As a Lukewarm believer in the greenhouse effect, and an advocate of governmental climate policy, Pielke Jr. is incompetent; as a political appointee in the by-now-infamously-and-totally-fraudulent Obama Administration, Holdren is absolutely corrupt (“absolute power corrupts absolutely”, remember). If Pielke can get Holdren exposed and thrown out, I would say he has finally done some good, albeit acting only in defense of himself and his sacred position as an academic expert.

    • R. Shearer says:

      I don’t believe that Pielke is incompetent. He calls things as he sees them and doesn’t seem to exaggerate one way or the other. If anything, he’s been a thorn in the side of outrageous claims made by NASA and NOAA. He definitely is in the administration’s cross-hairs now and he should expect retribution.

      • Brian H says:

        Read the sentence again. He is called incompetent “as an advocate of government policy”. Competence in that job requires dedicated lying.

  3. wwlee4411 says:

    Reblogged this on wwlee4411 and commented:
    Climate Change, Global Warming.

  4. Dave N says:

    Oh, bummer

  5. Psalmon says:

    Can anyone explain how the Palmer Drought Severity Index differs from the US Drought Monitor? The latter shows the Pac NW in drought, which is surprising considering how much rain they HAVE BEEN getting, while Palmer reflects the fact that it’s soaking wet.

    Severe drought in Southern Oregon? Seriously? (based again on the latter US Drought Monitor) Palmer shows it +4 Extremely Moist, raining this week.

    California is pretty consistent, but with all the rain they are getting now, my guess is the two will also diverge.

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