1945 : World’s Climate Changing, Poles Melting, Glaciers Retreating, Rivers Drying Up, Deserts Expanding

ScreenHunter_397 Mar. 08 00.03


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to 1945 : World’s Climate Changing, Poles Melting, Glaciers Retreating, Rivers Drying Up, Deserts Expanding

  1. Andy Oz says:

    Greenland! I’d forgotten all about it. How is Greenland?
    Getting more and more snow and ice no matter how many “Hiroshima bombs” are being set off in the arctic by Hansen et al. Inconveniently biting alarmists in the butt!

  2. tallbloke says:

    Reblogged this on Tallbloke's Talkshop and commented:
    Another great bit of historical research from Steven Goddard. Global warming before the increase in CO2.

  3. Brian H says:

    Every generation thinks it is to blame for and empowered to control the climate and the future.

  4.  D o  u g    C o t t o n   says:

    But it’s not carbon dioxide that is the cause of climate changes.

    Nor is it the energy in the oceans which controls climate just because there’s far more energy there than in the atmosphere.

    Valid physics tells us it’s the other way around. It is the atmosphere (all the troposphere in particular) that autonomously comes into radiative balance with incident solar radiation, because the whole Earth+atmosphere system is what acts similar to a blackbody – not the surface, which is mostly transparent wherever there’s water.

    The thermal gradient (aka lapse rate) evolves spontaneously due to gravity acting at the molecular level, and so the whole thermal profile in the troposphere is pre-determined.

    Now, it doesn’t matter that the atmosphere holds far less thermal energy than the ocean. All that matters is what happens when molecules at the interface of the air and water collide. That “evens out” the temperatures and it is (eventually) thermal energy absorbed in the atmosphere that “creeps” up the (sloping) thermal plane and into the ocean. Of course the Sun adds some energy to the oceans, but its radiation passes almost entirely through the first 1cm of the surface and so its radiation is not determining the surface temperature – the troposphere is doing that by non-radiative diffusion and conduction.

    Similarly, the Sun is not affecting the Venus surface temperature much with its direct radiation that is barely 20W/m^2, but that surface is over 730K. So exactly the same happens enabling energy to get into the Venus surface (by diffusion and downward convection) and this non-radiative process causes its temperature to rise during its 4-month-long daytime.

    Planetary atmospheric, surface and even sub-surface temperatures are not controlled primarily by so-called greenhouse radiative forcing. That is why it’s not carbon dioxide after all.

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