Hansen’s Scenario C assumed that CO2 emissions essentially stopped after the year 2000. But even with their most recent data tampering, NASA can’t get temperatures quite up to the zero emissions level.
The graph below shows the actual temperature, as measured from satellite data by neutral people without a global warming agenda.
There is no basis for alarm about CO2, yet the experts whose careers, livelihood and prestige depend on it – continue to lie and defraud taxpayers.
The basis for the alarms is that they may loose their career, livelihood and prestige.
They will lose everything if the public realizes phony scientists have been taking public funds to promote false propaganda for the tyrants that ruled the world by deceit after WWII ended.
Sixty-eight years (2014 – 1946 = 68 yrs) ago:
1. George Orwell started writing “Nineteen Eighty-Four”
2. Phony scientists started publishing false “consensus models” of cores of
_ a.) Ordinary stars being composed of hydrogen, rather than iron
_ b.) Atoms stabilized by neutron attraction, rather than destabilized by neutron repulsion
It is worse than that.
Much Much Worse.
This is the culmination of a long term plan to move humanity back to serfdom. A worldwide feudalistic system (aka Agenda 21) that has been over a century in the making. The goal is to get rid of the middle class and make it impossible for the peasants to ever challenge the ruling class while feeding them enough propaganda to keep them working diligently instead of revolting. These are the roles of ‘Common Core’ education, ‘Environmentalism and :Climate Change’ To MAKE the peasants wear their serfs collars happily because they believe they are ‘Saving the Enviornment’
The brain washing of American children started over a century ago.
John Dewey’s progressive education experiment at the University of Chicago Laboratory School in 1896 was funded by a gift from John D. Rockefeller. Dewey tested the effects of his new psychology on real live children. The purpose of the school was to show how education could be changed to produce little socialists and collectivists instead of little capitalists and individualists. The traditional curriculum that produced capitalists and individualists system was based on one key element: high literacy. For Dewey, the greatest obstacle to socialism was the private individual seeking knowledge in order to exercise its own private judgment and intellectual authority. High literacy gave the individual the means to seek knowledge independently. It gave individuals the means to stand on their own two feet and think for themselves. This was detrimental to the “social spirit” needed to bring about a collectivist (aka feudalistic ) society. SEE: (wwwDOT)ordination.org/dumbing_down.htm
You can actually see the results of this. The Democrats move as a unit. They are cohesive in thought, because they don’t really think they ‘feel’, while the rest of us are splintered. Check out Rasmussen reports with that in mind and it is very evident.
More recently there is other evidence of the behind the scenes maneuvering.
So since the 1930s the goal has been to kill off the USA Constitution and establish a world government. So what was happening in the 1930s? Congressman Louis McFadden tells us.
“..breaking up of American homes and the dispersal of American children.” refers to the Agricultural Depression and the Great Depression both orchestrated by the Federal Reserve.
Unfortunately it is almost impossible to get the Bankster/Progressive trained people to actually read and understand this!
The joke is on the frightened shysters who tried to hide the source of energy in the core of the Sun that:
1. Made our elements
2. Birthed the solar system
3. Sustained the origin and evolution of life
4. Still controls every atom, life and world in the solar system.
See Chapter 2 of my biography:
Thread bombers.
Tamino at “Open Mind”, seems to be saying it’s due low Methane concentrations:
That can’t be. Every time Tamino speaks, methane levels increase. That’s what happens when you suffer from a rectocranial inversion.
joefreeman nails it!
You may notice that while Tamino points out how methane ran close to scenario C CO2 was much higher than his scenario A (BAU) projection.
Bets on if a comment pointing that out passes moderation?
Maybe if it was written comprehensibly?
I find too humorous that Hansen just about nailed current temps in his “Zero Emissions” scenario despite the large climb in CO2.
Really makes me wonder if they actually can model the climate and just banked on getting regulations in place sooner to say “See we were right all along.”
Do not forget that Shackleton had backed up the Milankovitch theory with data and Giesenburg had published several papers about the 88 year solar cycle at the same time Holdren, Obama’s science czar was writing about de-developing the USA and Maurice Strong was chairing the first UN Earth Summit. It is interesting to note that Strong was talking of GLOBAL WARMING in 1972 so they expected the temperature to rise for several decades.
So no they did not know the exact timing but they had a pretty good idea the weather would warm and then would start turning cooler after the turn of the century. That is why the big push for an agreement at the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference in December 2009.
Note the obvious downward trend after 2005! 🙂
I mean, in the *real* RSS data.
You can be sure there is a plot to take over RSS and UAH. Be sure of it. They are the only thing holding back the insanity.
Note that Dr, Spencer got so fed up that he now calls them the global warming Nazis.
Someone must have really badgered the poor man to have him lash out like that.
Despite tampering, the NCDC/NOAA, February global anomaly was only joint 21st warmest on record for the month (ending a run of “top ten” values) and the second February in three years which is lower than Feb. 1983.
And the Feb. NH anomaly was the joint 28th warmest, which at 0.35c was 0.25c colder than Feb. 1935.
All February anomalies so far announced showed big falls and there is no reason why HadCrut4 will not be similar.
Is there any reason why February anomalies should be particularly low, as they are all relative to the same month?