From 1924 to 1936, US July temperatures rose at a mind boggling 35F/century.
If this happened now there would be mass hysteria, emergency scientific conferences, and hundreds of scientists would would write peer-reviewed papers linking the warming with 100% certainty to Mann-made global warming. Politicians would call for martial law and gasoline rationing. CNN and NPR would discuss endlessly how we had made the planet unlivable.
Shortly after 1936, temperatures started plunging and climate scientists went into hysteria about global cooling.
I wonder if they burned witches then….
If the pause (or hiatus, or whatever) ends with a plunge of 3°C over 12 years do you think the IPCC, those on the AGW gravy train, and the manic sheeple that follow them, will apologize for their errors? I doubt it.
Part of the cause of the spike in world’s temperatures in the 1920’s-30’s is the solar inertial motion around the solar system barycenter (SIM)
which is reflected in the aa-index of that time,
Now the aa-index is going down again and is even less than at the beginning of the last century.
Here is a graph with recent aa-index data,
It was all a result of capitalist pigs like Henry Ford, who allowed the masses to afford his evil Model T and evil Model A. That was the beginning of the end. But it still doesn’t explain why there has been no warming since 1936.