In his state of the Union address, dictator Obama seized control of the atmosphere and announced a return to the CO2 levels of 50 years ago – when Kenya was starving from drought.
At that time, global cooling induced droughts threatened the world’s food supply
The Northeastern US was also in a critical drought. It would have wrecked Obama’s golf.
The climate was brutal in the past. Even if you are delusional enough to believe that CO2 controls the climate, only a complete moron would want to return to the past.
Enter Barack Obama
It appears Skeeter wishes to return us to the racial climate of the sixties as well.
Climate science …. wrong in the ’60’s and wrong today …. all they need to finally get it correct is tons more money 😉
Check out this excellent video from Canada’s Sun Channel. They do a great job of exposing political crruption.
This all reminds me of the ancient Chinese curse: may your wishes come true. Our rulers seem bent on making the planet colder. Of course, they have zero control over this but they will get their wish.
This will lead to uprisings just like during the cold, cold 1962-1982 twenty year cold cycle. Remember: the French Revolution, for example, and the US one happened during a cold part of a previous cold cycle.
By the time I got to the Sahel in the early ’70s, the area was just emerging from the Drought.
Yes, “la Secheresse” was commonly capitalized.
Tough times in the fifth world,.
Global crops at record levels: