Law Enforcement Being Trained To Kill Mothers Protecting Their Children On The Playground

ScreenHunter_44 Feb. 23 11.58

The image above is a mother with her daughter on the playground, being approached by a hostile person. The mother has pulled out a gun to protect her child, and the trainee is being trained to gun her down without hesitation.

Obviously the mother is not looking for a gunfight, as she is holding her daughter’s arm. She clearly wants the aggressor to back off.

This is complete insanity, and hints at a nightmare future planned for America. DHS has spent millions of dollars purchasing these targets. What does this have to do with terrorism?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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63 Responses to Law Enforcement Being Trained To Kill Mothers Protecting Their Children On The Playground

  1. jimash1 says:

    “Although the targets have been taken off the company’s website, it’s unclear whether or not they have been removed from sale entirely.

    Mike Lilly, a retired 32-year police officer, demanded that the targets be discontinued completely.

    “Whomever convinced you this was a good idea needs psychological counseling. Proper training and readiness is NOT dependent on shooting pictures of pregnant women and children. Anyone who says otherwise is seriously mistaken or has another agenda It is noted that you say they were taken OFFLINE. Have they been DISCONTINUED AND RECALLED?” he stated.”

    “Lilly’s concern was echoed by retired City of Houston police officer T.F. Stern, who asked why police officers were being trained “to feel nothing’s wrong in shooting a pregnant lady or an old man with a shotgun inside his own home.””

    Uhhhhhhhhh Yeah, that.

  2. crosspatch says:

    jimash1 says:
    February 23, 2013 at 7:39 pm

    It doesn’t bother me that someone produced such targets as it does our federal government would purchase them.

  3. crosspatch says:

    And would purchase over a million dollars worth of them.

  4. TomC says:

    There’s also a young boy on the swings behind her. Two children there, not just one.

  5. crosspatch says:

    I worry much less about our military being used against us than I do these paramilitary police type units that DHS is putting together. It is quite easy to stack them with partisans. Much easier than to do the same with the military. In the military you are sworn to obey only lawful orders and to uphold the constitution. That may not be true for members of these organizations.

  6. Adam Gallon says:

    Or, conversely, she’s an armed kidnapper, who’s snatched the child & is threatening to kill the mother who’s trying to get her daughter back.
    She’s already tied the boy to the swings

    • It says on the target that she is the mother, and she is pointing her gun at the trainee.

      Calm your mind, the crap you are imagining doesn’t happen. You have been infected by Hollywood.

  7. To be honest, I don;t have all that much of a problem with the concept, not with things like they are these days. The old guy with the shotgun could very well be running a meth lab, what if a cop was coming over to investigate a screwy report about the mother and she pulls a gun on him? Maybe she walked off with them from their school and she isn’t a lawful custodian? Put yourself on the spot, just as yourself — maybe you step over to ask if she needs help after one of the kids falls (or gets hit) and you think may be injured — and next thing you know you’re looking down the barrel of her pretty pink Keltec. Think you, as a private citizen, aren’t going to defend yourself and take her down if you have to?

    Sorry,I do see a legitimate use for these,for legitimate law enforcement.

    What I find much more interesting — and worrisome — is the woeful lack of diversity in their target images.
    I spent an hour or so the other day poking around their site when this report first popped up, and every image on the targets was Country Club White.

    But yeah, I first saw this on Alex Jones, with a somewhat misleading headline, stating “A provider of “realistic” shooting targets to the Department of Homeland Security and other federal agencies has created a line of “non-traditional threat” targets that include pregnant women, mothers in playgrounds and elderly American gun owners.” They are actually one of the biggest target manufacturers in the country, and supply LE at all levels across the country, it isn’t some secret cabal with the TSA or something, which is what Jones seems to imply. Do yourselves a favor and ask a cop about this first.

    • Me says:

      So I guess the figuer 11/59 is no longer usefull to them then.

    • There is no justification for this training. Last week LAPD blasted thirty holes in a pickup truck carrying two Asian ladies, whom they mistook for a 270 pound black man. Police make errors in judgement constantly.

      Here in Fort Collins police killed a man for carrying a flashlight to the door, after they knocked on it at 11 pm. The police are here to protect the public, not the other way round.

      Humans were born with these natural mental blocks for a reason. Breaking them down is incredibly dangerous and stupid.

      • Only slightly off-topic — you notice how it’s almost always “Blue State” cops who have the worst reputation and worst record for stuff like this? Cal. NY, NJ, Mass. What you’re speaking of sounds more like sheer stupidity at worst, and inadequate training at “best.”

        BTW I’m not a cop, nor do I know any these days. But in general I do take pains to defend ’em on the boards wherever, though I do slash pretty harshly at leftards. But I do wonder how many cops are dead or wounded because they did flinch from pulling the trigger on someone who shot first.

      • Latitude says:

        and every image on the targets was Country Club White.
        which reminded me that LAPD also shot up that white guy… a different model and color truck……who was on his way to the beach to go surfing

        ALL POINTS…….target fat black male criminal has now disgused himself as a skinny white guy with a surfboard…….don’t be fooled

      • daveburton says:

        “There is no justification for this training.”

        Right. And there’s no evidence that it is taking place.

        “Humans were born with these natural mental blocks for a reason. Breaking them down is incredibly dangerous and stupid.”

        Would be, not “is.”

      • So LAPD didn’t gun down a bunch of civilians last week? A schoolhouse full of children wasn’t massacred in Connecticut in December with a SWAT team member standing outside the school?

    • Robertv says:

      Isn’t it Government who makes people hostile by taking their freedom away. isn’t it the State who declares us guilty until proven innocent. Is this the America you want to live in?

  8. jimash1 says:

    Ditto for the “Hostile pregnant mother in nursery”

  9. daveburton says:

    “DHS has spent millions of dollars purchasing these targets.”

    There’s not a speck of evidence for that.

    The source of this nonsense is Alex Jones (a/k/a PrisonPlanet, a/k/a InfoWars). He is a total nutjob, and it is folly to give any credence to anything he writes.

    • Blade says:

      The ‘benefit of the doubt’ is a fine principle to live by when all parties are honorable, truthful, and transparent.

      Most people, including yourself, will suspend this principle when your life is on the line. For example, if you’re walking to your car through a dark parking lot, those three guys hiding in the shadows nearby MIGHT be totally innocent, but you will most likely put self-preservation above principle and pause until they are gone while tucking your wallet deeper into your pocket. [insert better analogy here].

      Alex Jones is a dick, and I can never forgive him for entertaining the 9/11 wacko brigade. Having said that, exactly what about the modern USA federal government elevates them above Jones’ admittedly low bar for believability? Even a kook can be correct from time to time.

      This is not a court, and evidence rarely takes a form acceptable to Perry Mason and more often then not it takes the form of ill-fitting gloves acceptable to Lance Ito. Specifically, evidence of purchasing these targets will almost never take the form of a nice descriptive receipt, it will come in drips, 2nd hand testimony, maybe eyewitness accounts, maybe some bean counter’s testimony. But that is much later. At first it starts like this. The same way Ruby Ridge started, through word of mouth and then later articles by “nutjobs”, and it took several years to get it before Congress and still they obfuscated and lied with the end result few people that grasp the enormity of that incident.

      I think you are setting the evidentiary threshold way too high for an already out-of-control government, one headed by only the 2nd known non-Natural Born Citizen.

      You can of course choose to believe what you want, but I think giving a government led by a Natural Born Communist the benefit of the doubt is as whacky as anything Alex Jones has done. Cynical as it sounds, I now usually believe these things until proven otherwise.

      • Me says:

        As cynical as it sounds, that’s what they want everyone to believe now, But I know what you’re saying.

      • daveburton says:

        I wouldn’t trust Obama and his band of thieves any further than I could throw them, but it’s still wrong to accuse anyone (even them!) of something without solid evidence. The scriptural prohibition against bearing false witness was not given by God to dissuade you from wronging the people you love. (Who would do that?) it was given to dissuade you from wronging the people you detest.

        Moreover, the gist this particular evidence-free allegation is that thousands of law enforcement officials, officers, and trainees are all part of a vast conspiracy, hiding this training-for-genocide program from their fellow Americans. That’s not even possible. Obama’s probably that cold-blooded, and some few cops are, but not all of them.

        Changing topics…
        Obama is, in all likelihood, a natural-born citizen under the law, for two reasons:

        1. He was probably born in Hawaii, as he claims. If so, he’s a natural-born citizen by virtue of the location of his birth.

        2. There is strong evidence that his father was a bigamist, who married Obama’s mother without first divorcing his previous wife. If so, then Obama’s mother and father were not legally married to each other. If so, then Obama is a bastard, but a citizen by virtue of his mother’s citizenship, regardless of where he was born.

        Obama fails to qualify as a natural-born citizen if he was born outside the United States and his mother and father were legally married.

      • daveburton says:

        Typo correction… the last sentence was intended to read:

        Obama fails to qualify as a natural-born citizen only if he was born outside the United States and his mother and father were legally married.

      • Me says:

        So yout point is?

      • Me says:

        And who made the exec order to conceal all his records?

      • Me says:

        Who said, the most transparent administration in history?

      • daveburton says:

        “Me,” I was replying to Blade, not you.

        BTW, would you please change your pseudonym to something that doesn’t make it sound like I’m arguing with myself if I address you?

      • Me says:

        That short and to the point comment should be here, hey, it is what it is….

      • Blade says:

        daveburton says: … but it’s still wrong to accuse anyone (even them!) of something without solid evidence. The scriptural prohibition against bearing false witness was not given by God to dissuade you from wronging the people you love. (Who would do that?) it was given to dissuade you from wronging the people you detest.

        You’re doing it again. The discussion space is not a court of law and you are not their lawyer. And scripture has nothing to do with it at all. This is more the “discovery” phase if you insist on legal jargon, and it is prerequisite before anything else gets done.

        daveburton says: Moreover, the gist this particular evidence-free allegation is that thousands of law enforcement officials, officers, and trainees are all part of a vast conspiracy, hiding this training-for-genocide program from their fellow Americans. That’s not even possible. Obama’s probably that cold-blooded, and some few cops are, but not all of them.

        You just created a conspiracy theory theory. You did that. This mode of argument, jump to furthest extreme ( “it can’t be true because everyone would have to be in on it” ) is the classic strawman and is as old as scripture. The only reason people do this is to avoid even entertaining the thought that their personal beliefs are incorrect.

        daveburton says: Obama is, in all likelihood, a natural-born citizen under the law, for two reasons: […]

        Not a chance. One parent was NOT EVER an American citizen. He is the son of a foreigner and that is no Natural Born Citizen. You are trying to redefine what NBC always meant, and that was a citizen born to citizens. He is at best a half-NBC (which is appropriate since he is a halfrican too, but I digress). The age of his mother actually brings into question the other half as well since she wasn’t old enough to confer that half-citizenship.

        But that is all irrelevant anyway since he cannot be NBC with a foreign parent. Well, unless you are one of those suicidal modern anti-Americans that believe they can shoehorn anchor-babies and half-anchor babies into the definition of NBC. If the founders were talking merely about geography, they would have said so. Oh wait a minute, they did mention geography, in the very last part of article II section I …

        “No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

        So Geography was specifically addressed in there as a concept, and if the founders meant geography as the only component of NBC it would have been obviously stated as such ( “Born in the United States” ). Natural Born Citizenship is a much larger concept than mere geography and wasn’t defined because people then, unlike yourself, don’t look at common words and phrases as global variables in programming code. NBC comes down from Vattel

        Homeboy is as unqualified as Chester A. Arthur was before him (and who also hid or destroyed his records, and you don’t do this unless you have a problem). But DingleBarry is far worse because he is a new kind of NBC, a Natural Born Communist who was raised to hate America. Even Chester A. Arthur didn’t do that.

      • gofer says:

        I don’t think any logical person could mistake what they mean’t by “natural born”. You were subjects of King George by nature of being born on his land and there was a war fought over being his subjects. In those days, the child followed the citizenship of his father, “by blood”, not location. In those days, there were ways to become citizens, but declaring your allegiance, but it was not automatic. They weren’t going to force people to become citizens or declare them citizens just because they were born on the same soil, like the hated King George.

        The whole premise was to not have a person with divided interests or allegiance. Read his book and tell me if you think there’s a chip on his shoulder or some divided allegiance to the way this country operates and to it’s Founders.

        If an American woman had an affair with any one of a number of anti-American foreign men and had a child on U.S. soil, then what of the child’s allegiance?

      • Blade says:

        The whole premise was to not have a person with divided interests or allegiance. Read his book and tell me if you think there’s a chip on his shoulder or some divided allegiance to the way this country operates and to it’s Founders.

        Exactly! Allegiance is an impossible-to-comprehend concept for modern shallow thinking narcissists. America is doomed when her citizens act like sheeple and kill time watching “Survivor” and “Idol”.

        DingleBarry has a huge chip on his shoulder, he hates America, and Freedom, and individualism and everything we have ever accomplished. As is often the case he is protected by an Imperial Senate, otherwise he would be somewhat accountable because he has racked up a ton of impeachment/removal offenses considering the limitations of “original intent”.

        The Axelrod plan of getting a Manchurian candidate was completely successful. The irony is that if we emerge on the other side of this nightmare somewhere intact, America will have proven herself stronger than the left, and the domestic enemy liberal/leftist/progressive/socialist/neo-Communist will be more frustrated than ever.

        Having said that, we cannot leave this situation to future generations. If we do survive it will be not for their lack of trying. Barring a second American revolution, our only recourse is active engagement through a second Constitutional Convention.

      • Me says:

        Or they get what they deserve, Blade, they know not what they want but what they earned.

    • Me says:

      Ya see, it was short and to the point.

  10. Bob722 says:

    In addition to white girl and two small children, look at the “alleged” perpetrator’s blue jean dress: I see a prominent “Star of David” on it. Not much symbolism here folks……

  11. RoHa says:

    This is what happens when you hand your country over to right-wing nuts.

  12. u.k.(us) says:

    Re-read the description below the picture, it makes no sense.
    Just like the premise itself.
    To jump on every internet created story without researching the source ……
    ….I say it is all BS.
    Prove me wrong. Get a grip.
    (a faithful reader).

  13. Robertv says:

    I wonder how they train drone pilots?

  14. gofer says:

    From the website:
    No More Hesitation

    No More Hesitation Targets were designed to give officers the experience of dealing with deadly force shooting scenarios with subjects that are not the norm during training.No More Hesitation faded background enhances the isolation and is meant to help the transition for officers who are faced with these highly unusal targets for the first time.
    Mix & Match “No More Hesitation” targets for best pricing.

  15. higley7 says:

    “Ten Core Beliefs of the Modern-Day Tea Party Movement”
    1. Eliminate Excessive Taxes
    ?2. Eliminate the National Debt ?
    3. Eliminate Deficit Spending ?
    4. Protect Free Markets
    ?5. Abide by the Constitution of the United States ?
    6. Promote Civic Responsibility
    ?7. Reduce the Overall Size of Government ?
    8. Believe in the People
    ?9. Avoid the Pitfalls of Politics ?
    10. Maintain Local Independence

    These are all adult, mature, responsible beliefs, yet liberals call us terrorists.

    If these beliefs make us terrorists, so be it, but then we have to wonder what the liberals are. True monsters?

  16. higley7 says:

    Liberals think that the wealthy become so at the expense of the poor. What they fail to know or admit is that capitalism creates wealth such that there is more to go around.

    One does not get wealthy by taking money from the poor; they do not have that much money in the first place. Liberals assume, or prefer to assume, that there is a finite amount of money and that it is unfair for one to be wealthy, at the assumed expense of the poor becoming poorer.

    In the real world with wealth generation, a rising tide floats all boats, even those of the poor—we, in the US, have the wealthiest poor in the world.

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