A “carbon tax with 100 percent dividend” is required for reversing the growth of atmospheric CO2. The tax, applied to oil, gas and coal at the mine or port of entry, is the fairest and most effective way to reduce emissions and transition to the post fossil fuel era. It would assure that unconventional fossil fuels, such as tar shale and tar sands, stay in the ground, unless an economic method of capturing the CO2 is developed.
The entire tax should be returned to the public, equal shares on a per capita basis (half shares for children up to a maximum of two child-shares per family), deposited monthly in bank accounts. No bureaucracy is needed.
Worldchanging | Evaluation + Tools + Best Practices: Jim Hansen’s Letter to Obama
I’m pretty sure you have to prove that you are a complete moron to get a job as a government climate scientist.
Reblogged this on Climate Ponderings.
“…here is the danger that declining prices for fossil fuels, and
continuation of fossil fuel subsidies, could cause a major setback.”
He’s afraid that energy might become cheaper, which was Erhlich’s position that having “cheap energy was like giving a retarded child a machine gun.” Nothing says that a “scientist” can’t have mental problems.
Hansen says that people will figure out how to cut their footprint will make money. So when energy becomes so expensive people will cut off the heat and can’t afford to drive, so they will get a few extra bucks from “Ma govt.” It’s a Utopian dream so far from reality that says we will make things so expensive you’ll have to cut back and to say that some people will make money is a lie since the cost of EVERYTHING will go up and the poor will be hurt the most. IT’s plain evil to try and deny people cheap energy and the sickening Malthusians think they know what the “carrying capacity” of the earth is and want to enforce population control.
I think it is more like ‘Government Should Confiscate Your Children’ like in NAZI Germany.
To anonymous “Robertv”: This website is about climate science and/or closely related i.e. narrowly related issues. It is not about trendy checkout-counterish WWII propaganda films. Keep your vile irrelevant bigotry to yourself. Understood?
Who are you?
Jim Hansen is an idealist and doesn’t understand Obama and most politicians. Obama sees taking everyone else’s money as his birth right now that he is president. It’s not the people’s money it is Obama’s money to redistribute as he deems necessary to control society and implement his vision of what America should be which is nothing more than the “Chicago Way” expanded nationally. So Obama will never return 100% as a dividend. In fact the Dems have floated the idea to use such money to pay down the debt and that is a joke as Dems would perform the usual sleight of hand and just increase spending as fast or faster than any debt pay down.
If Hanson’s plan to return 100% of the carbon tax money to the people was even feasible, which it isn’t. Jimmie only suggests the possibility as a selling point to the free lunch desiring Donk voters, the plan would just put more cash into the little people’s hands with which they could buy more fossill fuels. It would be a NET push.
Nice of Jimmie “Death Trains” to allow for for two children per family implicitly – I know it was a great sacrifice and moral dilemmato to allow the masses to procreate at nearly replacement rate.
Hansen’s suggestion is like playing poker with your kids. Money may change hands, but it does nothing to enrich the household, and wastes what could be productive time and efforts.
Redistribution of wealth?
Look at the design of the new $100 bill. Consensus driven design?
James Hansen’s ideas would make me a very rich man on one patent I have and others for which I have applied and am holding, perhaps in perpetuity. You can read all about this at http://CO2Au.blogspot.com and http://adrianvance.blogspot.com
Has Hansen gone completely off the rails????…..maybe a “mental evaluation” is called for here!
Jim has recently announced his retiring from GISS. He has been awarded millions in various prizes, taken even more in speaking honoraria and will go on the rubber chicken circuit for millions more. My only question is, “Will he wear his “Indiana Jones” ripoff hat and Kakhis gettup?
If the tax achieves its aim of eliminating fossil fuels, it will raise no money, and therefore there will be none to redistribute.
But the poor and everyone else will still have to pay the higher costs of renewables.
Where the Hell did Hansen get his degree? He cannot understand the simple, four-function math and Algebra 1 style charts of Economics 101.
See The Two Minute Conservative via Google or: http://tinyurl.com/7jgh7wv When you speak ladies will swoon and liberal gentlemen will weep.
Jim Hanson should keep to playing with Muppets.