Drought Disaster

After five straight months of January weather, we have come out of the deep freeze in Wyoming. This morning Kirye, Toto and Toki explored what the press describes as record heat and the worst drought in 1,200 years.

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Michael Mann’s War On Free Speech

It appears that Michael Mann is being funded by the Chinese.

Chinese donors close to Hunter Biden gave $105 MILLION to UPenn where classified documents found | Daily Mail Online

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The World’s Smartest Person

Michael Mann must be the world’s smartest person, because he observed a history of earth’s climate which no one else was able to see. In his world ice melts when it is cold, and freezes when temperatures are warm.

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Washington Post Sinks To New Lows

The Washington Post is attempting to link George Soros horrible behavior to his Jewish lineage.

9:05 AM · May 16, 2023

In this video, Soros said he knew the Nazis were a tremendous evil, but felt no guilt helping them confiscate property from his fellow Jews.

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“planet-cooking pollution”

Forest fire burn acreage in the US is down 90% since pre-industrial times and down 80% since the 1930s, but scientists have determined :

“37% of the area burned by wildfires in the West since 1986 — nearly 19.8 million acres out of 53 million — can be blamed on the planet-cooking pollution from 88 of the world’s major fossil fuel producers and cement manufacturers”

More than a third of the area charred by wildfires in Western North America can be traced back to fossil fuels, scientists find | CNN

Wayback Machine

“Ancient records show that centuries ago forest fires were scourges classed with the plague ”

Fire-scarred California big trees indicate that great fires occurred there In the years 245, 1441, 1580 and 1797. Evidence has; been found of forest fires in Colorado during 1676, 1807, 1722, 1753 and 1781.  South of Mt. Kathadin, Me., proofs were found of a forest fire covering an area of about 200 square miles which occurred in 1795.

17 Nov 1912, 22 – The Birmingham News at Newspapers.com



By hiding the data prior to 1986, they created the appearance of a correlation.

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Cancelling The Kennedys


“a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”

John F Kennedy


“Kingmakers in the DNC are taking no chances. This time simply canceling all primary debates, effectively silencing opposition voices like @RobertKennedyJr and showing their complete disdain for American people and their right to make an informed decision about who they choose to represent them.”

6:02 AM · May 16, 2023

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The Biden Final Solution

Joe Biden, whose family is financed by foreign governments like China, is hoping to complete the destruction of America by the year 2040.

“Biden rule tells power plants to cut climate pollution by 90 percent — or shut down”

Biden rule tells power plants to cut climate pollution by 90 percent — or shut down – POLITICO

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Hockey On Melting Ice

Glaciers were melting all over the world in 1912, which according Michael Mann and friends was the coldest period of the last 9,000 years.

“It appears that, save over a small area, the glaciers of the world are retreating to the mountains. The Arapahoe glacier in the Rockies has been melting at a rapid rate for several years. The glacier on Mount Sarmiento in South America. ; which descended into the sea during the last century, is now separated from the shore by a vigorous growth of timber The Jacobshaven glacier in Greenland hat* retreated four miles since the year 1860, and the East glacier in Spitzbergen is more than a mile away from its old terminal moraine. In Scandinavia the s:now line is farther up the mountains, and the glaciers have withdrawn 3,000 feet from the lowlands in a century In the Eastern Alps and one or two other small districts the glaciers are growing.”

Sausalito News 30 November 1912 — California Digital Newspaper Collection

Scientists extend and straighten iconic climate “hockey stick” | Ars Technica

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Twitter Sensitive Content

Twitter considers this photo of Kirye to be “sensitive content.

6:13 PM · Mar 5, 2021

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Zelensky Hockey Stick

Opposition to junk science labeled as Russian disinformation.

6:11 PM · Mar 4, 2022

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