BBC Disappointed That People Want To Survive

BBC News wonders why billions of people who depend on fossil fuels for their day-to-day survival, haven’t given them up in deference to the climate scam at the core of the BBC agenda.

“Almost every country in the world has made a commitment to limit the rise in global warming to 1.5 degrees. The experts say that will only happen if we stop searching for new fossil fuels. So why is oil, coal and gas exploration still booming? As world leaders prepare for a landmark climate conference in Dubai, reporter Richard Bilton investigates why we are still looking for buried carbon in almost every part of the globe.”

BBC World News – Panorama, Why are we Still Searching for Fossil Fuels?

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Geoengineering Success

In 2009 the mayor of Moscow promised no snow that winter via geoengineering.  Instead they had record snow followed by an historic heatwave.

Geoengineering Moscow Mayor Promises No Snow This Winter | Popular Science

BBC News – Russian capital Moscow covered by record 63cm snowfall

Heatwave in Russia

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“The Age Of Denial”

“Science is a culture of doubt. Religion is a culture of faith.”
– Richard Feynman

Ten years ago the New York Times was upset they were losing public support for their climate scam.

“In 1989, when “climate change” had just entered the public lexicon, 63 percent of Americans understood it was a problem. Almost 25 years later, that proportion is actually a bit lower, at 58 percent.”

“instead of sending my students into a world that celebrates the latest science has to offer, I am delivering them into a society ambivalent, even skeptical, about the fruits of science.”

Opinion | Welcome to the Age of Denial – The New York Times

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Leon Heller’s Doctoral Thesis

My father got his PhD from Cornell in 1957.  A family friend recovered his thesis, so I drove down to Los Alamos last weekend and picked it up.  You can see it online here.  He studied quantum mechanics under Freeman Dyson, who later went on to become a leading voice against climate alarmism.


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65 Years Of The Same Junk Science

In 1959, The Smithsonian Institution blamed 11° F. warming at Spitzsbergen on the burning of fossil fuels. They didn’t mention that most of that warming occurred before 1920 when CO2 levels were just above 300PPM.

“It has been suggested lately that the worldwide carbon-dioxide concentration is increasing, by the burning of chemical fuels in man’s engines, at such a rate that noticeable climatic changes, if not already upon us, are soon to be detected. This follows from the so-called “greenhouse effect.” Atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide do not interfere with heat intake but inhibit infrared reradiation, thus conserving heat energy and producing a general warming up. Little America now has a mean temperature 5° F. warmer than when first occupied in 1912, while that of Spitsbergen has risen 11° F.”

Annual report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution 1959


The Present Climatic Fluctuation on JSTOR


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Cloudfare Check

This website has been under a denial of service attack for a long time, and cloudfare is keeping the site functional. If you have difficulties getting in (usually due to a slow internet connection) you can see all recent blog posts mirrored at

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“mass extinction, ecosystem collapse and dramatic sea level rises”

“NASA Climate Scientist Says “We’re Toast”
JUNE 24, 2008 / 9:30 AM EDT / AP

Exactly 20 years after warning America about global warming, a top NASA scientist said the situation has gotten so bad that the world’s only hope is drastic action.

James Hansen told Congress on Monday that the world has long passed the “dangerous level” for greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and needs to get back to 1988 levels. He said Earth’s atmosphere can only stay this loaded with man-made carbon dioxide for a couple more decades without changes such as mass extinction, ecosystem collapse and dramatic sea level rises.”

NASA Climate Scientist Says “We’re Toast” – CBS News

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100% Wind By 2030

“Boris Johnson to unveil plan to power all UK homes with wind by 2030”

Boris Johnson to unveil plan to power all UK homes with wind by 2030 | Conservative conference 2020 | The Guardian

“Green energy giant Siemens crashed to a €4.6bn loss yesterday amid a mounting crisis in the green energy wind turbine industry … Major players in the wind turbine sector, including BP and Orsted, have reported multi-million pound write downs, huge losses and long delays in recent weeks.”

Ill winds blow green energy off course

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“dozens of former intel officials say”

“More than 50 former senior intelligence officials have signed on to a letter outlining their belief that the recent disclosure of emails allegedly belonging to Joe Biden’s son “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former intel officials say – POLITICO

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Insurrection In Washington DC

I took this picture at the Department of Justice the day before President Trump’s inauguration in 2017.  The signs calling for insurrection were all over DC and up for weeks.

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