Climate Expert Dr Fauci

Dr. Fauci weighs in about climate, and Toto fact-checks him.

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Hollywood Against Gun Violence

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Basic Physics

“I don’t believe there is a climate crisis,” Clauser said during at Quantum Korea. “The world we live in today is filled with misinformation. It is up to each of you to serve as judges, distinguishing truth from falsehood based on accurate observations of phenomena.”

2:00 PM · Aug 28, 2023

The United Nations gets their physics from someone else.

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Foolish Venusians

If only those Venusians would have implemented a carbon tax and lockdowns, this could have been avoided.

“Venus was once Earth-like, but climate change made it uninhabitable”

– World Economic Forum

2:30 AM · Dec 18, 2020

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Antarctic Sea Ice Vs. 1976

There is very little difference between August Antarctic sea ice extent this year and what there was during September 1976.

National Geographic Magazine Archive


The ice is growing rapidly and may well surpass 1976.

OSI-420 |

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Fossil Fuels Are To Blame

During July 2012, the Petermann glacier in Greenland calved off an iceberg, which academics and the press blamed on the burning of fossil fuels.

“Muenchow said climate change was a factor in the current state of the Petermann Glacier. He said this glacier is as far back toward the land as it has been since the start of the Industrial Revolution more than 150 years ago.”

Iceberg twice Manhattan’s size breaks off Greenland glacier | Reuters

EOSDIS Worldview

EOSDIS Worldview

Since then, the glacier has grown well past the 2011 terminus.  The press reports this growth as “rapid melting” and blames it on the burning of fossil fuels.

EOSDIS Worldview

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Lowest Burn Acreage Of The Millennium

US Forest fire burn acreage through August 27 continues to be the lowest of the current millennium.

National Fire News | National Interagency Fire Center
National Interagency Fire Center
National Fire News

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Even Worse Than ChatGPT

Google AI is worse than ChatGPT about answering climate questions. It appears unable to process new information.

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NASA Contaminating Good Data With Bad

In the March 1, 1975 edition of Science News they discussed how global cooling was making the climate more extreme and also discussed how the Urban Heat Island effect caused 2-4 degrees warming in cities.

Climate Change: Chilling Possibilities | Science News

According to NASA, Argentina has warmed very rapidly since the year 1900.

Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (v4): Global Maps

Argentina is more than 2,000 miles long and NASA says they have monthly temperature data at four locations during the first half of the 20th century

Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (v4): Station Data

Two of those stations are near the center of very large cities, and show a lot of warming. Neither are suitable for climate analysis, because they are both severely contaminated with Urban Heat Island effects.

Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (v4)

Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (v4)

The third station at Goya is too short and fragmented to be of any value.

Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (v4)

The only good station in NASA’s data set is at Bahia Blanca, and it shows no warming, So NASA contaminates the data with UHI affected data from other sites, and creates a non-existent warming trend for the entire country.

Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (v4)

NASA created the warming in Argentina by contaminating the only station of any value (which showed no warming) with UHI contaminated data from other stations.

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Contaminating Good Data With Bad

Temperatures in cities have been known for a long time to be much warmer than surrounding rural areas. Instead of eliminating the Urban Heat Island contaminated data, NASA and NOAA use it contaminate surrounding rural stations as well.

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