Blaming The Problems They Created

My family visited Lake Powell sixty years ago when they first started filling it. We picked up this pamphlet which described the permanent water shortage in the Colorado River Basin.

“There is not nearly enough water in the Colorado River to irrigate all the land”

Colorado uses 365 million gallons of water per day to grow corn for biofuels mandated by policies to stop global warming.  Then the shortage of water they created is blamed by the same people on global warming.


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Earth Burning

The press is full of stories about earth burning and drying up. Meanwhile the real world is having another record grain harvest.

Record grain harvest eyed as market under pressure

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Climate Fakery Part 15

In 1938, CBS News demonstrated that they could send America into a panic via scripted fake news. The press is trying to do that again now about climate, in order to help Democrats in the 2024 elections.

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The War Against Energy For The Peasants

Ten years ago Al Gore became rich by selling his global warming television station to oil producers. Now he wants to shut down energy for the peasants while he flies around the world on private jets.

Al Gore’s Payday From Oil-Rich Qatar ‘Reeking With Irony’ – Bloomberg

Scientific American supports his hypocrisy.

Gore thinks Antarctica is melting in mid-winter, and that we are experiencing unprecedented heat.

Al Gore on Extreme Heat and the Fight Against Fossil Fuels – The New York Times

The percent of the US to reach 95F (35C) continues at a record low through July 25.

At the Nobel Prize ceremony in 2007 Al Gore predicted the Arctic would be ice-free by 2014 and said the world was spinning out of kilter.  There is more ice now than when he made that prediction.

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Boiling Oceans

Sea surface temperatures north of Key Largo, Florida are 86F.  This is being reported by the press as 101F.

Ventusky – Wind, Rain and Temperature Maps

5:30 AM · Jul 25, 2023

They measured the water temperature in a shallow pond near a river outlet, which regularly gets that hot or hotter.

Google Earth

“It’s not even the record for Manatee Bay, the observing site where the data came from, said David Zierden, state climatologist at the Florida Climate Center in Tallahassee. The record for the Manatee Bay site is 102 degrees. It was set on Aug. 15, 2017. Going further back, Zierden said the site recorded a temperature of 100 degrees in 2010.

Something to point out: the Manatee Bay gauge is very close to land, south of Biscayne Bay, and measures the water temperature at a depth of 5 feet.

Keep in mind that the observations in Manatee bay are in shallow water in a closed off cove with dark seagrass on the bottom,” Zierden said. “I would not consider them a “sea surface temperature”, as that implies open ocean.”

record water temperatures in florida not unprecedented

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Arctic Sea Ice Same Thickness As 1958

In 1958, Arctic sea ice was about two meters thick. Sixty-five years later it is still about two meters thick.

“The New York Times


Although the idea that a solid ice sheet covers the central Arctic has lingered stubbornly in the popular fancy, the northern cap of ice worn by our planet is actually a thin crust— on the whole, only about seven feet thick—over an ocean two miles deep in places.

Known as the pack, this ice is constantly shifting, splitting, changing. The sea upon which it rides is bounded by the northern coasts of Europe, Asia and North America—vast stretches of tundra (where no trees are able to grow) and taiga (where the trees are stunted).

The only major land-borne ice sheet in the north covers Greenland. Such is the weight of the Greenland ice that the island has sunk into the plastic underlayers of the earth until its center is now below sea level, under 10,000 feet of ice. There are scattered, smaller ice caps in the Arctic, but most of Siberia, Alaska and northern Canada, is ice-free.”

TimesMachine: October 19, 1958 –

FullSize_CICE_combine_thick_SM_EN_20230725.png (1400×1213)

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Democrats Continue Their Tradition

This week in 1969, Ted Kennedy drowned Mary Jo Kopechne in Edgartown, Massachusetts. The Obamas are keeping the tradition alive with another drowning in Edgartown, Massachusetts.

Body found in search for black male paddleboarder, 43, who drowned in pond on Obama’s Martha’s Vineyard estate: 911 call was made from ex-President’s $12M property last night | Daily Mail Online

27 Jul 1969, 3 – The Commercial Appeal at

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Worst Drought In 1,200 Years

Over the past twelve months the southwestern US has averaged more than seventeen inches of rain, making it the 18th wettest year since 1895. The press says the southwest is experiencing the worst drought in 1,200 years.

Regional Time Series | Climate at a Glance | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)

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Second Seven Million Year Event This Decade

In very technical terms, “Climate Defiance” says Antarctica is having a 7.5 million year sea ice event.

8:04 PM · Jul 24, 2023

Nine years ago, Antarctic sea ice was about an equal amount above the mean – so this would be their second seven million year event in less than a decade.

OSI-420 |

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Hillary Weighs In On Climate

Hillary says Republicans cause bad weather and cites a number of newspaper articles parroting propaganda from government agencies under Democratic Party control.

6:39 AM · Jul 25, 2023

It makes no difference which party is in power. The accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is unaffected by political control, with a new record high under Biden.

Global Monitoring Laboratory – Carbon Cycle Greenhouse Gases

Politicians used to blame bad weather on witches, but now they blame it on Republicans. This article was from twenty years ago when the New York Times still recognized the existence of the Little Ice Age and Medieval Warm Period.

Cold-Weather Theory of Witchcraft, The – The New York Times

“Lisa J. Graumlich, who examines the ring patterns of foxtail pine trees and western junipers in the Sierra Nevada, has compiled a detailed record of the year-to-year variation in temperature and precipitation over the last thousand years.

She has seen in the North American trees the feathery but unmistakable signatures of the Medieval Warm Period, a era from 1100 to 1375 A.D. when, according to European writers of the time and other sources, the climate was so balmy that wine grapes flourished in Britain and the Vikings farmed the now-frozen expanse of Greenland; and the Little Ice Age, a stretch of abnormally frigid weather lasting roughly from 1450 to 1850. A Crucial Question

“We can now see that these were global climate phenomena, not regional temperature variations,” she said. “The question is, how did we get those warmer temperatures during pre-industrial times, and what can we learn from those conditions about what is going on today?”

Western landscapes in presettlement era were very smoky places.

Warming? Tree Rings Say Not Yet – The New York Times

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