Daily Archives: December 5, 2012

Global Warming Declares War On Christmas

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CSM Wants Rush Limbaugh To Speak Out Against Climate Change

The Christian Science Monitor | Dec 04, 2012 If the United Nations, Al Gore, and hurricane Sandy can’t convince skeptics of the threats of global warming, then who can? Perhaps the Terminator. Showtime network has unveiled plans for a six- … Continue reading

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California Makes An Expensive Token Effort To Fix An Imaginary Problem

As the World Keeps Getting Warmer, California Begins to Cap Carbon | TIME.com The world isn’t getting warmer, and even if was and it was due to CO2 – California’s token gestures would be a complete waste of time. Nature … Continue reading

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NASA : Climate Equals CO2

NASA says that increased CO2 is proof of climate change. The logic goes as follows : We believe that CO2 causes climate change.  We know that CO2 is increasing. Therefore CO2 causes climate change, proving our assertion. The evidence for … Continue reading

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Obama Keeps His California Campaign Promise

Obama promised to bankrupt the coal industry, and he has succeeded. SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) — Weakening demand for coal has prompted Canadian Pacific Railway Co. to mothball plans to extend its Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern Railroad network into the … Continue reading

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