12/20/2012 : Preparing For The End Of The World

Preparing for the end of the world tomorrow. I got a henna tattoo and an Aztec calendar wrist watch to count down the last few hours.

Instead of drinking Kool-Aid I will be drinking Margaritas tonight – and lots more salsa dancing. Hopefully the end of the world will coincide with an end to cold winters.

ScreenHunter_13 Dec. 20 16.59 ScreenHunter_12 Dec. 20 16.56

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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17 Responses to 12/20/2012 : Preparing For The End Of The World

  1. kbray in california says:

    Nice watch Steven, but which time zone to go by ??
    The end of the world is already in Guam:

    Current time in Guam 10:55 AM
    Friday, December 21, 2012 (ChS

    Not a bad last day:
    87 degrees and partly cloudy.


    I all just a scam, with green eggs and ham…

  2. Scott Scarborough says:

    Did they shave your leg to put the tattoo on it? Your arm is hairy but your leg is not.

  3. bcbrowser says:

    Now they know how to find you (the climate change police).

  4. Robertv says:

    Barcelona , Catalunya 8:38 we are still there. Sun just came up.

  5. tckev says:

    End of the damned world! Worse than that I’m out of coffee and have to go out in the cold …

  6. Don’t forget we’re a few hours ahead of you over here.

    So the world will finish here first.

    I’ll let you know as soon as anything hap

  7. Andy DC says:

    I did not lose much sleep worrying about the end of the world. Knowing we have Obama to protect us from white males and all evil allowed me to sleep like a baby.

  8. Stephen Richards says:

    Your a rat, Goddard ! You torment your poor readers with your global warming mantra, sho photos of the consequences and then taunt us about our global warming-freezing. ;))

  9. Lance says:

    end of the world as we know …and i feel fine…

  10. terrence says:

    STEVEN – YOU SAVE THE WORLD BY doing this – especially with the tattoo, which was much appreciated by the Mayan gods; so they called off the END of the WORLD. Thank you!!!

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