California Carbon Tax Producing Immediate Benefits To The Climate

          S N O W  -  P R E C I P I T A T I O N    U P D A T E

              Based on Mountain Data from NRCS SNOTEL Sites
                    As of MONDAY: DECEMBER 17 , 2012
STATE                                                      PERCENT OF Normal
  RIVER BASIN                                     Number   Snow Water  Accum
                                                 of Sites  Equivalent  Precip
  NORTHERN GREAT BASIN .........................  3 of  5     108*      105 
  TRUCKEE RIVER ................................  8 of  8     148       151 
  LAKE TAHOE ...................................  8 of  8     104       157 
  CARSON RIVER .................................  9 of  9     158       144 
  WALKER RIVER .................................  6 of  6     157       136 
  KLAMATH ...................................... 15 of 18      75       127

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to California Carbon Tax Producing Immediate Benefits To The Climate

  1. Otter says:

    They’ll focus on Klamath, of course…

  2. gator69 says:

    Carbon Tax Kills 19 in Ukraine in Cold Snap Attack!

    This brings the total for this month to 37…

    “Nineteen people have died of exposure in Ukraine in the past 24 hours amid temperatures of minus 20C, the health ministry says.

    Some 162 people were hospitalized because of hypothermia and frostbite, the ministry said in a statement on Tuesday.

    Snowstorms accompanying the “cold snap” left nearly 600 villages without electricity last week.

    Temperatures fell to minus 16C in the centre and south of the country and to minus 23C in eastern Lugansk region.”

    It’s time we ban this deadly tax.

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