Global Warming Devastation In Colorado

ScreenHunter_351 Dec. 15 08.35

ScreenHunter_351 Dec. 15 08.34

Web Cam – Wolf Creek Ski Area

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Global Warming Devastation In Colorado

  1. Scott Scarborough says:

    You make this blog entry with sarcasm. I will be willing to bet that some warmists looking at this blog for the first time think you are serious.

  2. Andy says:

    My daughter, aged 10, would love it there, proper Christmas isn’t complete without lots of snow.

    Even thought the AO is negative

    it looks like we might not get a White Christmas in the UK this year. The Uk is tricky as we can have winds from 4 directions.

    Still looks like a positive 12 months in the Antarctic is on the cards for end of year. Quite unusual.


  3. F. Guimaraes says:

    beautiful image!:-)

  4. Andy DC says:

    The New England ski resorts should also be getting snow over the next few days. Looks like great Christmas skiing for a lot of places.

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