Major Blizzard Headed For The Permanent Midwest Drought

ScreenHunter_154 Dec. 17 12.32

Weather Street:Clouds and Precipitation Forecast Movie

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Major Blizzard Headed For The Permanent Midwest Drought

  1. Mickey says:

    CMH had 0.66 inches of rain for November. That is 2.54 below the normal of 3.20. Everyone said it was because of the man-made climate change created drought. Monthly temperatures were 2.3 F below normal, but no one mentioned that.

    So far in December the average temperature in CMH is 9.4 F above normal, and everyone says it is more evidence of man-made climate change. However rainfall so far for the month at 2.81 inches is more than double the normal of 1.26. But no one is talking drought anymore.

  2. Andy DC says:

    It has been a very mild first half of December over much of the US. Looks to get a lot colder and snowier over the next couple of weeks.

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