Play Called Off At The Greenland Country Club

With temperatures at -62 degrees the pro has shut down the course – which is still recovering from two hours above freezing in July.

ScreenHunter_356 Dec. 24 09.46


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Play Called Off At The Greenland Country Club

  1. Adam Gallon says:

    How to annoy the Greenies, ask them how “Glacier Girl” came to be buried under 268 feet of ice.
    So, there for 50 years, 5.38 feet of ice per year, not sure what the conversion rate is for how many inces of snow to turn into an inch of ice.
    Since, IIRC, an inch of water needs 10 inches of snow to melt, let’s assume an inch of ice needs 5 inches of snow. So we’re looking at 26 feet of snow per year.

  2. lance says:

    Dang…i had a tee time booked too…

  3. tckev says:

    Well at lease they got the barbecue pit going again. Got some Cajun style Atlantic Yellow-nosed Albatross wings ready.

  4. squid2112 says:

    Ah dang, I just got my clubs washed and ready to go. Sheeesh, just my luck, never fails.

    • lance says:

      Squid2112, lets book a Tee time for the Antarctica Open…

    • Streetcred says:

      Always this turf and greens maintenance just as the course is looking good and greens running with some pace, and now … the greenkeeper is to comfortable by his coal oven to clear the course. I’m gonna transfer to another club if this continues.

  5. Andy DC says:

    That place has still not warmed quite as much as you would like for a winter golf resort. But just you wait until super duper exponential warming in the pipeline gets unleashed, along with super duper El Nino!

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