Rain Man

ScreenHunter_153 Dec. 12 15.10

Twitter / billmckibben: Drought worsening in every …

McKitten cures the drought!

ScreenHunter_152 Dec. 12 15.10

Weather Street:Clouds and Precipitation Forecast Movie

h/t to Marc Morano

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Rain Man

  1. Andy DC says:

    Deperation to find a new poster child.

  2. Sundance says:

    OT but I couldn’t help myself. Sorry

    JACKSON — Mississippi has disbursed nearly $227 million in aid to six alternative-energy companies since 2010, but so far has fewer than 500 jobs to show for it.

    Research by The Associated Press finds the state has put in most of its total commitment, mainly in loans, to help some companies get off the ground. But the companies in most cases don’t have to meet job targets until five years or more after they begin production.

    The three companies that Mississippi has given the most money to, KiOR, Stion and View, have pledged to create a total of 2,330 jobs. So far, after receiving $195 million in aid, almost all in loans, the three companies have about 300 employees combined.

    At the Kior web site there is this – “KiOR is a next-generation renewable fuels company that has developed a proprietary technology platform to convert biomass into renewable crude oil that is processed into gasoline, diesel and fuel oil blendstocks. The company built the first commercial scale cellulosic fuel facility in Columbus, MS. KiOR strives to help ease dependence on foreign oil, reduce lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions and create high-quality jobs and economic benefit across rural communities.”

    They say nothing about lowering GHGs that I saw so the bottom line is that we’re sitting on 2.6 trillion barrels of oil in North America = 350 years worth and these clowns think they are offering a solution to becoming independent of foreign oil by producing $50.00/gallon biofuels. I call this magical thinking but I guess if corrupt politicians are willing to give you loans and taxpayers are happy sheep being sheared, who am I to argue?

    Stion makes thin film solar PV with 12% efficiency. Whoop dee doo. Memo to Stion…..India is already making solar panels at 50 cents a watt installed. Stion is already obsolete as they offer no new technology such as carbon based solar cells, and they can’t compete on pricing with the Chinese and Indians, but again if people are stupid enough to give them money, I can see why they took the money.

    This was all about job creation not valid technology and it’s obvious to those with functioning brains that ROI from spending $650,000.00 for one green job borders on insanity or criminality (pick one) except in the minds of those who have traded reason for magical thinking.

  3. leftinbrooklyn says:

    Haven’t heard on the status of the catastrophic killer bee infestation in a while. Bill, any help?
    For that matter, where are we at for year-to-date alien-abductions?

  4. kbray in california says:

    BM can’t be Rain Man.
    Rain Man was brilliant with numbers and figures and weather.
    BM is an appropriate nickname.

  5. glenncz says:

    SC drought? there probably is one. but look at the data.
    go here
    http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/climate/res … g3/sc.html
    and plug in precipitation, annual or year to date. and you see that SC precip is highly variable, and not whatsoever abnormal the past couple years compared to this century.

  6. Bill Irvine says:

    It’s morally wrong to allow a sucker to keep his money.
    W. C. Fields

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