Superstition Reigns In The Climate World

December 5, 2012 4:30 PM ET

It’s been a busy year for TV weathercasters: July was the hottest month ever recorded in the United States, unprecedented wildfires scorched the West, the worst drought in 50 years parched two-thirds of the county. Then, in October, Hurricane Sandy slammed into New York and New Jersey. Yet the cause of much of the meteorological mayhem – global warming – was rarely mentioned on air. The reason: There’s a shockingly high chance that your friendly TV weatherman is a full-blown climate denier.

Forecasting Denial: Why Are TV Weathercasters Ignoring Climate Change? | Politics News | Rolling Stone

The problem is that weathermen don’t buy into the lies being propagated by climate alarmists.

  • July 1901 was hotter before adjustments
  • 2012 has seen the fewest US fires in twenty years
  • The 1988 drought almost dried up the Mississippi River
  • Major hurricane strikes in the US are at an all-time low

The Taliban demand submission to their religious superstition, as do the climate Taliban.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Superstition Reigns In The Climate World

  1. Sundance says:

    Has anyone noticed that the the articles in the Rolling Stone aren’t much differnt that those in the Yale Climate Forum?

    Also is it a coincidence that after a survey comes out showing that only 1/3 of people link TS Sandy to CC, that media outlets assume people are stupid and need some weatherdudebabe to educate them?

  2. Sundance says:

    Now followers of climatism have a ‘superstition mutual fund’ to put all their money into too. 😉

  3. PaddikJ says:

    Rolling Stone? You gotta be kidding. Why would any grownup give a skinny rat’s ass what that teeny-bopper music rag writes about anything. Jann Wenner is pathetic.

  4. Andy DC says:

    As stated before, fairy tales, even multiple fairy tales, do not die easily, especially when parroted daily by media bird brains.

  5. Andy DC says:

    Between 1953 and 1955, 7 hurricanes hit between North Carolina and New England.

    During 1933, major hurricanes hit only a day apart, one for Texas and one for Florida.

    Whom do we blame for those?

  6. Ray says:

    I wonder what qualifies Jeff Goodell to think he knows better than T.V. weather forecaster?

  7. Hottest July evuh? The only state shown by NCDC as being hottest on record was Virginia.

    However the USHCN station records show that 1934 was hotter.

    When I challenged NCDC, Deke Arndt admitted he could not tell me how the 1934 figure was arrived at.

  8. Doug Proctor says:

    The Nye-Morano and Mann-Morano discussions/non-discussions are like the Palestinian-Israeli discussions/non-discussions. There are no facts being determined, no meetings of the minds and agreements on any underlying facts or history in either case. Just expositions of “moral” positions. We aren’t surprised about the P-I situation, as it is political and social. We’re surprised about the CAGW situation, as it is supposed to be technical.

    I wonder what it would take to get Nye or Mann to state agree/don’t agree to a series of statements about “facts” central to the climate wars, and then to have some moderator adjudicate. Probably the same level of effort, committment and willingness to reconsider an established position as to solve the Palestinian-Israeli problems.

    • You can’t have a serious debate on the facts in a research field when peer reviewed paper A asserts conclusion Y and three months later peer reviewed paper B asserts the opposite of conclusion Y. That’s climate science right now. In 100 years from now, maybe it will be different.

    • miked1947 says:

      There are no scientific “Facts” related to CAGW. That means you can not debate the facts behind the Chicken Little claims!
      If there is no real world scientific evidence of the phenomena, then there is nothing to debate.

  9. tony says:

    Look at the picture’s caption:
    [i]Waves crash over a seawall as Hurricane Sandy hits Winthrop, Massachusetts.[/i]
    There’s no wave crashing over the wall. That’s mist from a wave that crashed before the wall. If it were a wave, there would be more water on the ground under the wave than in the picture’s foreground.

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