The Glass Is 1% Empty

You can’t make this stuff up ….

Global Warming Responsible For Coral Shrinking Around Equator

A new study from a team of Australian and German researchers showed that when sea surface temperatures increased by about 0.7 degrees Celsius during the last interglacial warm period, the Earth’s equatorial regions saw a sharp decline in coral diversity.

Anyone with half a brain would understand that expanding tropics means expanding range for corals and other tropical species.

“Our results suggest that the poleward range expansions of reef corals occurring with intensified global warming today may soon be followed by equatorial range retractions,” the report states.

Corals Shrinking Around Equator Thanks To Global Warming – Science News – redOrbit

In other words global warming is good for corals, but these geniuses were desperate to spin  it negatively.

Only problem is, the tropics are cooling. They forgot to check on the basis of their thesis before wasting taxpayer money and reporting mindless drivel.

ScreenHunter_336 Dec. 09 10.23


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to The Glass Is 1% Empty

  1. John B., M.D. says:

    This must be coming from the Australian and German hockey teams.

  2. “…today may soon be followed by equatorial range retractions…”

    Remember when we were growing up scientific papers used to measure stuff and report observations?

  3. 1% empty = 99% full. So I think the title of the piece should be “The ‘Glass-Half-Full’ Is Now 99% Empty”.

  4. Andy DC says:

    It’s much, much less worse than we think!

  5. Good grief but these people are stupid. How do they think corals spread further north? Warmth. How do they think so many islands were created? Higher sea levels allowing corals to build, then the ocean levels going down.

  6. Scott says:

    And don’t forget that the amplification factor for the lower troposphere (with respect to the surface) is highest in the tropics at ~1.5x. So we should be seeing considerably more warming with the UAH and RSS data than with the surface data.


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