UK Government Advises Everybody To Move To Antarctica

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2 May 2004

Antarctica is likely to be the world’s only habitable continent by the end of this century if global warming remains unchecked, the Government’s chief scientist, Professor Sir David King, said last week.

Why Antarctica will soon be the <i>only</i> place to live – literally – Environment – The Independent

Temperatures are currently -26C on this fine summer day at the South Pole, and the golfing is excellent.

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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to UK Government Advises Everybody To Move To Antarctica

  1. gator69 says:

    Is that the new Super Walmart? Sweet!

  2. Beale says:

    I wonder when the UK government, the IPCC, etc., plan on relocating to Antarctica.

  3. squid2112 says:

    Nice! Phoning in my tee time now. Thanks for the heads up!

  4. darwin says:

    I bought 400 acres … really good price too. I hear summers are quite balmy there and penguins are good eatin’.

  5. Andy OZ says:

    Jamie Oliver can cook up a fantastic king penguin and baby seal casserole in 15 min. It’s awesome!!
    And with 24/7 sunlight, we’ll be able to grow everything we need. Boats are packed and leaving Australia for our bit of Antarctica as we speak!

  6. Justa Joe says:

    Too bad the author of that prediction will never ever be called on the carpet in the press because it doesn’t matter if what you say is completely false as long as it supports the agenda.

  7. Streetcred says:

    Wish those guys would stop riding through, and rake the bunkers ! Getting out of those track marks is a PITA.

  8. kbray in california says:

    I’d be worried about the next generation.
    Those “high” temperatures aren’t good for sperm counts.

  9. PaddikJ says:

    Maybe we can send Professor Sir David King, the British Govt, and the IPCC to Antarctica in their bermuda shorts.

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