US Violent Crime Rate Down Almost 20% Since The Assault Weapons Ban Was Lifted

ScreenHunter_360 Dec. 27 10.47

ScreenHunter_362 Dec. 27 13.12

FBI — Table 1

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to US Violent Crime Rate Down Almost 20% Since The Assault Weapons Ban Was Lifted

  1. savebyj says:

    No no Steve. There is NO way that those two are related. It’s because Obama is healing the Earth.

  2. ericlarson01 says:

    It seems unlikely this phenomenon has anything to do with domestic factors: violent crime rates are going down world wide:

  3. johnmcguire says:

    Even if the crime rate was up I still think I have a right to own one .

  4. Andy DC says:

    Probably has a lot do to with all the surveillance cameras everywhere.

  5. Scott Scarborough says:

    Hardly a landslide trend. Out of the 32 other countries on the list that you provide, 9 of them had crime rates that went up or stayed the same over the last 5 years. What world wide phenomenon would be responsible for such a world wide trend other than just pure happenstance?

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