Daily Archives: February 6, 2014

Shock News : Barack Obama Is Supporting Genocide Of Christians

The genocide of Christians and religious minorities in Syria is being committed by the jihadists Obama is supporting and aiding in Syria. The media’s censorship of the Obama-supported slaughter is complicit and criminal. It’s not just the Christian leaders who … Continue reading

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I Thought The Bronco Receivers Were Wearing Orange Shirts?

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A Recent Self Portrait

This is me, right after I received my big oil check to destroy the planet.

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Dem Congresswoman Believes That Destroying The Congress Is Her #1 Job

Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee said that the new Congressional Full Employment Caucus will “give President Obama a number of executive orders that he can sign.” Jackson Lee added that writing up executive orders “should be our number one agenda.” … Continue reading

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A Simple Case Of Lysdexia

When they told us that the Texas climate was moving to Canada, they actually meant that the Canadian climate is moving to Texas – like Katherine Hayhoe did. A simple and understandable mistake.

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If You Like Your Mouse, You Can Keep Your Mouse

The Federal Emergency Management Agency is warning that many flood repair projects could be delayed because they are in an endangered mouse’s habitat. ‘Endangered’ Mouse Could Delay Flood Recovery « CBS Denver

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100% Correlation Between Rising CO2 And NASA/NOAA Data Tampering

Twitter / ActiveWeather: @SteveSGoddard @BigJoeBastardi …

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Important Reminder : The US Only Makes Up 2% Of The Earth’s Surface

Please ignore the fact that most of the Northern Hemisphere and Antarctica are running far below normal. sfctmpmer_01a.fnl.23.gif (800×618)

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Hit The Motherlode – Part II

In 1981, James Hansen of NASA published these graphs of  surface temperatures. Note that northern latitudes and global both showed 1940 as warmest, with a sharp global cooling to the early 1970’s. pubs.giss.nasa.gov/docs/1981/1981_Hansen_etal_1.pdf But the current NASA graphs don’t look … Continue reading

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