Daily Archives: February 26, 2014

Reggie’s Blowtorch Listed On Craigslist

Just kidding …..

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Party’s Over In The NWP

Five meter thick ice is being pushed into the Canadian Archipelago. The NWP may be blocked for years.   ictn2014022418_2014030400_038_arcticictn.001.gif (740×666)

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1974 Shock News : Climatologists Said Global Cooling Trend Would Lead To Erratic Weather And Famine

Lakeland Ledger – Google News Archive Search

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Dem Senator Thinks He Controls The Climate

It’s personal, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse said. The impact of climate change on homes in the Rhode Island Democrat’s state gives his fight increasing urgency. “When I see little summer cottages washed into the sea when a winter storm comes, that … Continue reading

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Finally Some Good News During This Miserably Cold Winter

The IPCC said in 2001 that they have very high confidence there will be fewer cold days www.grida.no/climate/ipcc_tar/vol4/english/pdf/wg1spm.pdf

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