Another Smoking Gun Of Fraud At NCDC

The Great Lakes are currently covered with record ice for March, and reached the second highest coverage on record. Yet through 5 degrees of data tampering, NCDC has made Michigan’s winter only their 10th coldest.

ScreenHunter_592 Mar. 14 17.52

Climate at a Glance | Time Series

This is what the actual data looks like, before NCDC starts tampering with it.

ScreenHunter_594 Mar. 14 18.10

The next graph shows the massive alterations NCDC is doing to Michigan winter temperatures.

ScreenHunter_593 Mar. 14 18.03


*Mosher says the data is all good.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Another Smoking Gun Of Fraud At NCDC

  1. Wow. Really need convert this to sigma error (number of standard deviations of the error of the mean of the raw data). I think you’d be able to say that adjustments are something like 25x the measurement error. Which in itself says that if the measurement error is so damn small in comparison, why on earth would you adjust anyway? There is ZERO chance that TOBS or homogenization could account for 5°F.

  2. Andy Oz says:

    That’s not a smoking gun. No no.
    That is blood splatter, powder traces, video footage, DNA evidence and a confession.

  3. Or as Patrick Michaels put it, “This is not a smoking gun, this is a mushroom cloud”.

  4. Steve Case says:

    The graph does work, but it would look better if:

    In Excel*
    Right click on the X Axis and choose Format Axis
    Select Patterns Tab
    Tick Mark Lables click on “( ) Low”

    And the dates 1880 – 2040 will appear at the bottom (Low) of the graph.

    * That works in Excel XP if you have Excel 2013 it might be a whole lot more difficult.

  5. This is World Class Fraud.. An adjustment of 6 degrees with a measurement error of about 1/4 degree is stupifyingly stupid science. Data with a 6 degree error is not data. You are no longer ‘correcting data’ ,you are inventing data.
    There is no chance that ‘TOBS’ or ‘homogenization’ could account for the need for a correction of that magnitude. How close must we be to where most people can see that this is just government fraud.

  6. Gail Combs says:

    ‘TOBS’ is a real crock of Bupkiss.

    Six’s thermometer is a registering minima-maxima thermometer invented by Englishman James Six in 1782; the same basic design remains in use today.

    In other words as long as the same guy read the thermometer in the same way every day and taught the guy who took over his method there is no ‘TOBS’ and even if there is it would only be on minor occasions.

    Does it really matter if todays low is recorded today or tomorrow as long as the method is consistent?

  7. Steve Case says:

    Does it really matter if todays low is recorded today or tomorrow as long as the method is consistent?

    I’ve never seen nice clear English prose explaining why time of day observation of the 24 hour high and low makes much difference.

    • Suppose you reset your min/max thermometer at 3 in the afternoon, and a cold front comes through at 4 in the afternoon. On the second day, the maximum temperature is recorded too high.

      • gator69 says:

        But at least they would be real temperature readings, and not artifacts. Any weather observor would quickly discover the importance of his observance times, and would correct procedures to more accurately capture daily temps. Our weather observing ancestors were not idiots, and niether are we.

  8. Andy DC says:

    That is virtual ice on the Great Lakes, not real ice. The virtual ice was put in the Great Lakes, so that children would know what ice looks like.

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