Back To The 16th Century Future

In the 16th century, government pushed a geocentric view of the planet, because it fit with dogma that they were the center of God’s attention.

Now they push for a CO2-centric view of the planet, for the same reasons. The mental midgets who run our governments imagine themselves to be important, and Mann-made CO2 fits their delusions of grandeur.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Back To The 16th Century Future

  1. omanuel says:

    Yes, Steven, they foolishly tried to hide the power that made our elements, birthed the solar system and sustained the origin and evolution of life.

  2. Bruce of Newcastle says:

    About half of all Democrat voters don’t know the Earth orbits the Sun in a year.

    About half of all Democrat voters want the President and Congress to do something about climate change.

    Join the dots…

  3. Heliocentric thinking was founded in Europe. As early as the 13th century the speed of the earth’s rotation and how or why it orbited the Sun were being discussed in various mathematical treatises. See Christian scholasticism. The idea that Middle-Ages European Christians were illiterates is utterly wrong. I would not tarnish the name of the Middle Ages by comparing that era with morons who believe a trace chemical 95% emitted by Gaia causes weather…..that is the true dark age.

  4. mellyrn says:

    The geocentric cosmos fit with the doctrine that mankind is sinful. The only thing “lower” in the geocentric cosmos was Hell. Copernicus’ heresy lay in *elevating* humans into the “celestial” realm, among the stars.

    AGW fits with the same doctrine, humans are eevil, garnished with “vast natural forces? We ain’t at the mercy of no vast natural forces! We baad!”

  5. Gail Combs says:

    Back To The 16th Century Future

    And here I thought you were talking about the type of civilization the Ecofreak Neo-luddites had planned for us.

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