Great Lakes Ice Obliterates All Records

Great Lakes ice cover is almost 400% of normal, and will serve as an excellent proxy to highlight the magnitude of NOAA data tampering this month.



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to Great Lakes Ice Obliterates All Records

  1. Morgan says:

    Interesting. I used to think 2002/2003 was the gold standard. We kicked ass this winter.

  2. Morgan says:

    Even the fabled worst year ever for the Great Lakes, 1978/79, which maxed out in Feb at 94%, had a warm March and an early spring, and was way less than this year by this date. 2014 blows away all records.

    This sucks. I was hoping for global warming and for Hawaii weather to come to upstate NY by now.

  3. @njsnowfan says:

    Rowing Regatta cancelled

    3/26 – Detroit, Mich. – The annual Dossin Invitational Rowing Regatta, scheduled for this Saturday, March 29 on Belle Isle, has been canceled due to poor racing conditions on the Detroit River. No rescheduled date has been announced.

  4. Andy DC says:

    Climate scientists can and do lie. The Great Lakes do not lie.

  5. Shazaam says:

    And given the forecast, there won’t be much melting in the next week either. Last night’s low in the teens might have re-frozen things a mite.

    I’m sure the “adjusted” temps will indicate the 3rd or 4th warmest winter ever.

    If only we could base climate scientist’s and meteorologist’s pay on the accuracy of their work. Good results, good pay. Fair results, low pay, Poor results, no pay. Hansen results, return past pay. Most of the big names would owe quite a bit by now.

  6. Psalmon says:

    The canary has frozen. October 2007

    “In many ways, you in the Lake Superior basin are the canary in the mine,” said David Phillips, senior climatologist at Environment Canada. “Lake Superior is really one of the early victims of climate change.” July 2010

    “The Great Lakes in a lot of ways have always been a canary in the coal mine,” Cameron Davis, the senior adviser to the U.S. EPA on the Great Lakes, said last week. “Not just for the region or this country, but for the rest of the world.”

    And it seems the canary’s song is growing ever more halting. Total ice cover on the lake has shrunk by about 20 percent over the past 37 years, he said. November 2012

    “Lake Superior’s rapid warming is like a canary in the coal mine,” Lenters told me. “We’re seeing changes in ice cover, water temperature, and evaporation that indicate major shifts are underway on the world’s largest lake.” January 2014

    As has been seen in the Arctic, the loss of ice is perhaps one of the most visible signs — like a canary in coal mine — of the subtle but real changes underway. I applaud Kleinert and his team for bringing attention to this important issue. January 2014

    • Shazaam says:

      Worse yet, they were predicting Lake Superior was going to approach “Hot Tub” status.

      So that canary froze in the hot tub……

      Where is Reggie with his Brawndo-Fueled Blow-hard Blowtorch when a poor canary needs rescue??

  7. HL Mencken says:

    To answer Shazaam, the canary joined other snowbirds and flew south to Florida
    for the winter. What that proves is canaries and snowbirds have more common sense
    than your garden variety IPCC climatologist. HL

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