Monthly Archives: March 2014

Western Great Lakes States Having Their Coldest Start To The Year On Record

January-March temperatures in the western Great Lakes states of Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio – are the lowest on record. This is not surprising, because they also have the most ice on record.

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Time To Move On

Skeptics need to stop playing along that this is about science. It never was, and certainly isn’t now. There isn’t one shred of evidence or even a pretense of science remaining in the global warming scam.

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Government Math

Joe D’Aleo sent this over. NCDC shows -5.5F anomaly in Connecticut as near average, but +2.6F in California as much above average.

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Met Office Adopts A New Approach

The Met Office got every seasonal forecast wrong for about five years, before they abandoned them. But they are back now with unverifiable 25 year forecasts : Britain will have more hotter, drier summers due to climate change, Met Office … Continue reading

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Lies, Damned Lies, And Government Climate Statistics

Check out this whopper from 1977 : The “once every 10,000 years” event occurred again in 1978 , 1979 and 2014.

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A Religion Based On Lies

In the absence of any warming during the lives of nearly one third of the people on Earth, the team has changed strategy to simply crank out one lie after another. Some of the notable ones from the past two … Continue reading

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Much Of Alaska Was Ice Free During The Last Ice Age

As we saw this winter, the same weather patterns which bring cold to the central and eastern US, also bring warmth to Alaska. That is what happened during the last ice age.

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Comment Of The Day

Ronald Reagan said : The problem with liberals isn’t so much that they are ignorant, it is that they know so many things that aren’t so. Like this guy, who is making up statistics about things he knows nothing about. … Continue reading

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Great Lakes Ice Obliterates All Records

Great Lakes ice cover is almost 400% of normal, and will serve as an excellent proxy to highlight the magnitude of NOAA data tampering this month. 20140324180000_CVCHDCTGL_0007583110.gif

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Michigan Blowing Away All Records For Cold In 2014

Michigan is having by far its coldest start to the year on record, and record lows outnumber record highs by an astonishing 104:1 Two years ago, climate experts told us that the mild winter in the US was proof … Continue reading

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