What If This Happened Now?

In March, 1932 a tornado killed hundreds and injured thousands of people in five states. If this happened now, it would be called unprecedented and cited as unequivocal proof that man had ruined the climate.

ScreenHunter_735 Mar. 19 13.37

31 Mar 1932 – 300 Dead In U.S. Tornado NEW YORK, March 23.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to What If This Happened Now?

  1. Marc77 says:

    In Toronto Canada, the mean temperature of the winter went like this:
    December 1931: 0.8°C
    January 1932: 1.9°C
    February 1932: -1.3°C
    March 1932: -1.6°C

    That year, March was cooler than each of the winter months. I have not found any other examples for the station. But I have seen the same phenomenon at other stations in the 1930s. The climate was more variable at the time.

  2. Sundance says:

    Progressive GW Nazis would celebrate the deaths of Rednecks again like they did in July 2012, that’s what would happen. 😉

  3. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    Now? CNN would go apeshit ballistic with coverage that would make their MH370 stuff look “fair and balanced”.

    Bill Nye would be exhausted from all the airtime.

  4. bullright says:

    Whoa at 7000 homeless.

  5. talldave2 says:

    One of these years will, by chance, have higher than normal activity, and we all know what will happen then…

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