Monthly Archives: August 2014

Shock News : BOM Is Tampering With Climate Data

THE Bureau of Meteorology has been accused of manipulating historic temperature records to fit a predetermined view of global warming. Researcher Jennifer Marohasy claims the adjusted records resemble “propaganda” rather than science. Dr Marohasy has analysed the raw data from … Continue reading

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Non-Existent Global Warming Hiatus Could Last For Another Decade

Climate experts say that the global warming hiatus is not real, and that it could go on for another decade.  BBC News – Global warming slowdown ‘could last another decade’

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Another Great Triumph For Climate Science

Scientists have very carefully measured billions of atom bombs of missing heat in the deep Pacific Ocean, but have just discovered it is actually in the Atlantic Ocean, not the Pacific.  Global warming slowdown answer lies in depths of Atlantic, study finds … Continue reading

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Just A Coincidence

It is no doubt just a coincidence that a few weeks after Obama traded a bunch of terrorists for an army deserter, ISIS is demanding prisoner exchanges for hostages – and killing them if the ransom isn’t paid.

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Second Coldest Winter On Record In The Midwest

The US Midwest is having its coolest summer, after its second coldest winter on record. During the winter of 1932, the average temperature was above freezing.

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Hostage Rescue Attempt Fails

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Coolest Summer On Record In The Midwest

Ninety-five degree days used to be fairly common in the midwest, but they rarely happen any more. So far this year there have only 23 reported – the lowest on record. In 1936, they had 6,509 90F (35C) readings.

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Imagine! A World Without Fossil Fuels

We would all be freezing and starving in the dark, and society would collapse into Armageddon within a week or two. Every tree would get cut down, and cannibalism would become the new normal. Sort of like the federal government plan … Continue reading

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Thermometers Show That The US Has Been Cooling For Nearly A Century

US measured temperature data (blue below) shows that we have been cooling for nearly a century. But the temperatures reported by NCDC (red below) show the opposite, that the US is warming. Measured : ushcn.tavg.latest.raw.tar.gz Reported : ushcn.tavg.latest.FLs.52i.tar.gz  The animation below … Continue reading

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Hope And Change Update

Rioters and looters are working hard this week in Missouri to convince everyone that they are not violent criminals, and the Attorney General has traveled there to show his support

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