Monthly Archives: August 2014

Progress At NASA Over The Past 45 Years

Forty-five years ago NASA could send people to the moon. They can’t do that any more, but they can generate fraudulent climate data much faster than previous generations could have ever dreamed of.

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Adelaide Records Their Coldest August Temperature In Over 125 Years

ADELAIDE is waking up to its coldest August morning since 1888. Adelaide is waking up to its coldest August morning for 126 years | The Advertiser h/t to Andy Oz

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August Temperatures In Arkansas Declining For 120 Years

August temperatures in Arkansas have been declining for 120 years, with this year obliterating all cold records – so far.

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Gaia Reminds The Guardian That They Are Complete Morons

One month since the Guardian published this piece of mindless propaganda. Great Barrier Reef’s coral faces ravaging by expected El Niño | Environment | Alarmists appear to be obsessed with little boys, but there are none in this picture. sst_anom.gif (800×600)

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Climate Experts Say That Humans Are Evil And Ants Are Good

Can ants save Earth from global warming? – The Times of India

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Arctic Sea Ice Extent Remains Highest In A Decade

 COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

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Shock News : Writer Believes That Climate Scientists Altered Data

Global warming is a man-made phenomenon. Those who made it happen were not the people burning fossil fuels, though. The culprits are the scientists who concocted and altered climate data during the past three decades in order to make it … Continue reading

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Latest On The Redskins Controversy

The New York Times wasn’t always quite as sensitive over what they said about Native Americans. You might notice a subtle difference in tone.

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1976 : Before Carbon Dioxide Ruined Music

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Excellent News From Manhattan!

The world’s greatest climatologist is James Hansen, who says that parts of Manhattan will be underwater by 2008. While doing research 12 or 13 years ago, I met Jim Hansen, the scientist who in 1988 predicted the greenhouse effect before … Continue reading

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