Monthly Archives: August 2014

25,000 Soldiers Died During The First Week Of WW I

Nine million soldiers died in World War One – about one every 15 seconds for four years.

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One Hundred Years Ago Today ……

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Please Help : Blowtorch Needed To Assist Arctic Voyagers

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Mentor A Climate Scientist Back To Health

We have programs to help out all kinds of troubled people, but what about the climate scientists? All their failed model predictions and death spirals have got to be difficult for them. Not to mention the constant stress of having to … Continue reading

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Much Of Arkansas Just Completed Their “Coldest July On Record”

Public Information – NOAA’s National Weather Service h/t to Andy DC

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Oklahoma Summer Temperatures Declining For A Century

Maximum June/July temperatures in Oklahoma have declined about one degree over the past century, with five of the ten coolest summers occurring since CO2 hit 350 PPM in 1988. Oklahoma’s hottest June/July occurred 80 years ago.

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Understanding Temperature Trends

After two hot summers in Oklahoma (2011 and 2012) – scientists announced that Oklahoma was heating out of control, and blamed it on Oklahoma Senator Jim Inhofe.

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Understanding The Precautionary Principle

Progressives believe that it is better to destroy the economy making pointless token gestures, than to do nothing in the face of a 0.0001 mole fraction increase of a harmless, essential trace gas. This is called “The Precautionary Principle” Let’s apply that … Continue reading

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Jerry Brown Says Cancun Is Simply Too Hot

According to Governor Jerry Brown, Cancun is getting too hot – causing millions of Mexicans to spend their Christmas Break in Winnipeg. California Governor Jerry Brown: Climate Change Will Drive Millions of People North over the Border | National Review … Continue reading

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Understanding The Divergence Problem

An amazing story of scientific fraud. Probably the biggest scientific fraud in history. As of 1975, both the instrumental and the tree ring data showed sharp cooling from 1940 to 1970 1975 National Academy of Sciences Surface Temperatures Briffa’s Trees – … Continue reading

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