Monthly Archives: August 2014

President Obama Wants To Be America’s Dictator

[youtube=] A few weeks after screwing middle Americans with his new EPA regs, President Obama announces that he wants to their beloved dictator. Obama has been getting things done for people all over the world, particularly in the Middle East … Continue reading

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Seen At The American Museum Of Unnatural Propaganda

I was at the (Un)Natural History Museum in Manhattan on Sunday, where they were working very hard to pollute children’s minds with these spectacularly misleading graphs. How much propaganda can a museum pack into one display for children? For some reason, they … Continue reading

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My Arctic Forecast

Arctic ice extent will continue to decline for a couple of days, then a cyclone near the North Pole will begin spreading the ice, and the extent curve will turn back towards the median. The minimum this summer will likely be close to the … Continue reading

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