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In his 1946 book, published after his death as “Take Back Your Government,” Robert Heinlein offered a shortcut to the confusing world of political decisions: pick someone whom you dislike for their politics and find out where they stand on an issue and then vote the other way.
I guess that subscribing to the New York Times would be a good investment in political decision making!
For Obama he was – now they are a movie. Dumb and Dumber.
And Lurch, the kept man, reported for duty.
The Nobel prize was forever diminished in notoriety when they awarded the Peace Prize, betting on the come, to someone who was clueless on the character and thinking of the terrorists in the world. (and it was not the only ill-conceived Nobel Prize)
That awarding of the Peace Prize in turn is an indicator of how removed from reality much of Europe has become. Europeans, do you really think terrorism will remain confined to where current world tragedies are happening now? Yes, if we had rational thinking it would not exist anywhere, unfortunately that is not the case. History tells us that the idiocy of brutal behavior, by individuals or nations, is sewn into the fabric of being human,
It was destroyed long before that. Yassar Arafat, Jimmah Cawtaw, and the Algore/IPCC tandem did that to it.
The Peace Prize has nothing to do with the Science Nobels, of course. Many try to fudge that distinction.
Let’s list all of Kerry’s successes, shall we? Well, there’s Ukraine, Iraq, Syria, Gaza, and, most recently, this little gem:
“Kerry reminded the crowd that despite the starving children in Africa, they ought to refrain from creating new farms because it contributes to “climate change.”
That one is a real classic. Toto has a firm grip on the curtain and just revealed another nasty under-layer of the current US Government.
The real message is We do not give a rats behind about people of color or starving children if they can not vote for us. Americans of color should pay close attention to this.
I was just reading an interview with an ex-Muslim who “gets it”
Now do you think Kerry has a tenth of the brain this Bosch Fawstin has?
Kerry doesn’t have a clue and the USA has at least three enemies circling, China, Russia and Islam. They all must be laughing up their sleeves that such a buffoon is now Secretary of state.
The only thing worse would be a Hitlery Clinton/John Kerry ticking winning the next presidential election and Hitlery (who at least has some intelligence) dies.
If 2,996 American politicians were murdered on 9/11, do you think Washington would have been interested in exonerating Islam and allowing this enemy to kill again?
Had the jihadi been a better pilot, he could have gotten 535, but couldn’t find them, so he hit the Pentagon. Much smaller loss of life due to the fortress construction of that building.
There was the last plane where the passengers over whelmed the jihadi and it crashed. It was assumed, it was headed for the White House or Congress. Probably the White House.
The “peace” of Islam is the peace of complete submission to Allah and his self-designated crowd control experts. Or of death. There is no in-between or alternative.
This is one case where I can actually agree with the “Gray Lady” / NYT. Perhaps not for the same reason however.
Kerry will make the Laughingstock-in-chief look smart, capable and trustworthy by comparison.
Doesn’t say much about either one or about the entire plunderbund-on-the-Potomac though.
Larry, Moe and Curly? (or Shemp)…
Any/all of them would make O look smart….
The article is from Oct. 2012; historical interest only. Another failed “projection”.
Disagreeing with someone or some media on sheer principal is never wise. However, when there is agreement, one must look at who is doing the agreeing. in this case, the “Grey lady” is agreeing with you, not the other way around.
You were first.
Nobody with half a mind reads the NY Times. Its all lies and leftist propaganda (lies).