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Steven, there are about 1.5 billion Muslims in the world. Very few of them are anything like the picture you are painting of them.
Polls show that a large percentage of Muslims support ISIS. Do you support this slavery Martin?
I am against slavery in any form. I think you are misinterpreting what polls show.
Martin puts fingers in his ears and says , no, no it cannot be.
Martin, every poll conducted for years shows large percentages of Muslims support violent Jihad, like the 9-11 attacks where tens of thousands took to the streets cheering.
This is what moral equivalency of the liberal type gets you.
In the eleven countries “with significant Muslim populations” polled by Pew Research, 63 million (ISIS favorable) to 287 million (ISIS favorable + don’t know) don’t mind the ISIS presence. The article claims “much disdain for ISIS”, not enough disdain to suit me!
No, David, they don’t.
Martin Smith says: “No, David, they don’t.”
Oh, they surely do, as I’m damn sure you are well aware, you can’t possibly be as badly informed as you make out.
Why do you lie about everything?
Are you entirely shameless, do you truly not care what a complete dishonest fool you look?
You really are a pathetic little child, don’t you think it’s time you grew up, moved out of your mummy’s back bedroom, got a life and GOT A JOB? (apart from trolling for UCS or whoever pays you to attack SG, that is)
Why do you lie about everything?
If Martin’s faceplant page is correct, he is in Oslo..
Enjoy this , Martin 🙂
And a bit more
I assume he wasn’t a friend of yours, Martin.
More here, from Germany,
and from Atlanta, GA,
and why Japan is *not* having Islamic problems,
Sorry, wrong Atlanta link, here is the correct one
Let’s see, do I understand this thing correctly?
The Paris Killers were Muslim
The Shoe Bomber was a Muslim
The Beltway Snipers were Muslims
The Fort Hood Shooter was a Muslim
The underwear Bomber was a Muslim
The U.S.S. Cole Bombers were Muslims
The Madrid Train Bombers were Muslims
The Bafi Nightclub Bombers were Muslims
The London Subway Bombers were Muslims
The Moscow Theater Attackers were Muslims
The Boston Marathon Bombers were Muslims
The Pan-Am flight #93 Bombers were Muslims
The Air France Entebbe Hijackers were Muslims
The Iranian Embassy Takeover, was by Muslims
The Beirut U.S. Embassy bombers were Muslims
The Libyan U.S. Embassy Attack was by Muslims
The Buenos Aires Suicide Bombers were Muslims
The Israeli Olympic Team Attackers were Muslims
The Kenyan U.S, Embassy Bombers were Muslims
The Saudi, Khobar Towers Bombers were Muslims
The Beirut Marine Barracks bombers were Muslims
The Besian Russian School Attackers were Muslims
The first World Trade Center Bombers were Muslims
The Bombay & Mumbai India Attackers were Muslims
The Achille Lauro Cruise Ship Hijackers were Muslims
The September 11th 2001 Airline Hijackers were Muslims
This list does not of course report daily stabbings and murders of a few here or there done in the name of jihad, nor the thousands of attacks on Israel.
Think of it:
Buddhists living with Hindus = No Problem
Hindus living with Christians = No Problem
Hindus living with Jews = No Problem
Christians living with Shintos = No Problem
Shintos living with Confucians = No Problem
Confucians living with Baha’is = No Problem
Baha’is living with Jews = No Problem
Jews living with Atheists = No Problem
Atheists living with Buddhists = No Problem
Buddhists living with Sikhs = No Problem
Sikhs living with Hindus = No Problem
Hindus living with Baha’is = No Problem
Baha’is living with Christians = No Problem
Christians living with Jews = No Problem
Jews living with Buddhists = No Problem
Buddhists living with Shintos = No Problem
Confusians living with Hindus = No Problem
Muslims living with Hindus = Problem
Muslims living with Buddhists = Problem
Muslims living with Christians = Problem
Muslims living with Jews = Problem
Muslims living with Sikhs = Problem
Muslims living with Baha’is = Problem
Muslims living with Shintos = Problem
Muslims living with Atheists = Problem
Even in the USA 60% of Muslims reject the concept of Freedom of Speech. 12% believed in the application of the Sharia-based punishment “blasphemy” and feel that Americans who criticize or parody Islam should be put to death. Nearly one-third (32%) of American Muslims polled believed “…Shariah law should be the supreme law of the land in the US.”
Because Sharia law dictates the overthrow of the constitution, equal rights, separation of church and state, and advocates and legalizes rape and murder, it s sedition to promote it.
Martin Smith knows all this. He has had it shown to him HERE and HERE.
His continuing support for both ISIS and Global Totalitarian Rule via the CAGW scam shows that he is either a brain-dead Useful Idiot of the Elite or a Nasty Sadistic Hater of mankind.
David, add up all your examples of criminals who identify as Muslims. How many do you think? 100? That’s generous. Divide 100 by 1.5 billion. The result is 0.00000007. Sharia law is unconstitutional in the US, so your fear is not justified.
Dolt, did you miss. “This list does not of course report daily stabbings and murders of a few here or there done in the name of jihad, nor the thousands of attacks on Israel”
The global hacker group “Anonymous” has identified hundreds of ISIS web sites and thousands of ISIS twitter feeds. Their are over 100 Islamic terrorist organizations, all with thousands of members, some with over 100,000.
Stealth Jihad, or civilization Jihad is the plan to advance Sharia Islam through political means, infiltration of government at all levels, infiltration of society at all levels; education, primary through college, They advocate and sponsor Jihad in ALL ITS MEANING establishment of Sharia in every society. Violent Jihad is the finale expression, done only in small parts here and there until an adequate portion of the population is Muslim. “Demographics is destiny” Sharia was ruled unconstitutional in what US court, or is that another assertion without evidence? My fear is justified as Muslims everywhere they form Muslim dominate communities ask for and begin to receive aspects of Sharia law.
By the way the list of those affiliated with just the one recent Paris attack is in the 100s. Over 50 percent of US Muslims support Sharia. Go to the web site Jihad watch just to see some of the last two days terrorist attacks..
Hubby had a report on yesterday. It was found that 25% of muslims worldwide (1.6 billion people) support ISIS.
Now think about that number for a minute. Females out number males at birth but are pretty much 50% overall. Taking it most women are to cowed to have a real opinon that brings you to ~ 50% of the male population.
In Saudi Arabia 51% of the population is under the age of 25. In the USA 27.3% were under the age of 20.
So that brings you to OVER 50% of the fighting population and that doesn’t even get into the Tuqyah [practice of deception, lying or concealment for expediency]
Given that the American revolutionaries were only 10% of the colonial population that should give any one with brains pause.
Here is a bit moreList of Foreign-Born Islamists Charged With or Convicted of Crimes in US
Thanks Gail if you find a link to the 25% study that would be great. Thank you for your indefatigable research. You must have things well categorized on your home computer. I particularly like your research into thermometry bias statistics, as I have not found most of that on other skeptic sites.
It was on Hubby’s computer which he just shut down and restarted. It was from Brigitte Gabriel (a Lebonese)
Here is a link
Another woman is Ayaan Hirsi Ali she thinks Gabriel is underestimating.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s ‘Heretic’ Asks Muslims: ‘Whose Side Are You On?’
And if you want to see PC Hypocrisy in action:
Ayaan Hirsi Ali fights radical Islam’s real war on women
Seeing you haven’t answered the questions before…
1. How many Islamic refugees are you willing to house in your home?
2. Would you move to a Muslim neighbourhood?
Martins stock answer. We misinterpret anything and everything when he has no stock answer.
Yes, ISIS is a very bad thing, David. Don’t let them win. Refugees are not ISIS. Refugees are caused by ISIS.
Martin is delusional…were you conditioned by an abusive and alcoholic father and does he still hold sway over you? When common sense was passed out, you were obviously overlooked. Facts placed in front of you must cause extreme anguish to your pea brain!!!
More utterly false BS.
You realise that the useful idiots like you will be the first to go if ISIL ever achieves its objectives, don’t you?
“.., David. Don’t let them win…”
Sounds like child talking, not an adult.
What is the problem with this MS guy??!!
And today there is the “situation” in Mali, but Tim McVeigh would be an one exception.
What sort of “exception” would agnostic Timothy McVeigh be? I’m a non-theist myself, and not anxious to claim the bastard, but he was not doing his horrific thing in the name of any religion. As it happens, his partner (the bomb maker Terry Nichols) went to Cebu in the Philippines to be trained in bomb-making by al-Qaeda, according to Clinton and Bush counter-terrorism czar Richard Clarke. So even the Oklahoma City bombing has a jihadist connection, ignoring the rumors of other jihadist involvement in the US itself for that attack.
This article mentions Nichols’ overlap with al-Qaeda’s bombmaker, but omits what Clarke actually said about him — that before he went to Cebu, his bombs didn’t work, but after he came back they did:
Wikipedia, of course, mentions none of this.
===|==============/ Keith DeHavelle
Oh yes they are Martin: with 164 Jihad verses in the Koran; all Muslims follow that same book.!
We’ve been over this before, Marsh. The Christian Bible contains lots of evil verses as well. Claim Muslims are evil because some Muslims are evil is no more valid than claim Christians are evil because some Christians are evil. Both claims are racist. That is the essence of racism. I think you will find that all the people killed by terrorism this year, no matter what religion, is dwarfed by the number of people killed by guns in the US this year. And that’s pretty much true every year, even 2001.
Martin you learn absolutely nothing. Muslims are not a race. You have been told this many times. BTW, terrorists use guns. In addition the vast majority of religious terrorist activity is perpetuated by Islamists. Not all Muslims are evil, but Islam, as interpreted by the majority of Imam’s, is evil, and deadly, and vicious and cruel..
Your ignorance of civilization Jihad, and the Saudi backed Muslim Brotherhood (active in over 90 nations around the globe) is apparently quite extreme.
David, you are being obtuse. The term racism isn’t confined to biology. Your claims about Islam and Imams are not supported, and you are introducing more concepts in your attempt to avoid admitting you are wrong.
Racism | Define Racism at
racism definition. The belief that some races are inherently superior (physically, intellectually, or culturally) to others and therefore have a right to dominate them.
Racism – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia?
Racism consists of ideologies and practices that seek to justify, or cause, the unequal distribution of privileges or rights among different racial groups.
Racism | Definition of racism by Merriam-Webster?
Definition of RACISM for Kids. 1: belief that certain races of people are by birth and nature superior to others . 2: discrimination or hatred based on race
Racism in the United States – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia?
Racism and ethnic discrimination in the United States has been a major issue since the colonial era and the slave era. Legally or socially sanctioned privileges and ..\
martin, are you a student, perhaps freshman in some liberal institution? I ask because you just make crap up with no study. The above was the first few listing in my search.
Martin, the term you are looking for is bigotry or prejudice.
My claims are supported and you have ignored links given to you by Gail, myself, and others. Also I introduced nothing new, and you have then, like now refused to address those statements.
Question for you Martin, what have I asserted that if I found you multiple references to that support it, would change your perspective?
“martin, are you a student, perhaps freshman in some liberal institution?”
No , he just behaves like one.
David, what perspective are you talking about? I don’t hate Islam. I don’t fear Islam. In America, I am in far more danger of being killed by a gun than by a terrorist. I think religious fundamentalism is bad, whether it is Muslim, Christian, Jewish, etc. Whether it is violent or non-violent religious fundamentalism, it is simply wrong. Wherever there is a conflict between religious belief and scientific knowledge, scientific knowledge must be the choice. Governors may not refuse refugees. It’s against the law. We (the US) are in large part responsible (the Bush administration) for creating the refugee problem that exists today. Therefore, we are obligate to help refugees. And even if we were not obligated to take in refugees because of George W. Bush’s stupid war that he started based on lies that even I knew were lies, taking in refugees would still be the moral and ethical thing to do, because it’s what Jesus would have done.
So to answer your question, I don’t think you have the chops to be able to change anyone’s mind.
“I don’t think you have the chops to be able to change anyone’s mind.”
And you most certainly don’t !!
I would suspect any fence sitters reading your garbage would pretty soon see what sort of insignificant little mind accepts all the AGW crap…… and realise that they have to start to think for themselves and not be slaves to the MSM and other climate propaganda pap.
As soon as people start to think for themselves, and look at the REAL DATA…
….they almost always say.. “the AGW stuff is a load of BULLSH*T”.
Maybe in several years, even you, little Gorebot, will grow up enough, mentally, to be able to start to think for yourself…
NAH.. not gunna happen , is it !!
But what Christians are attacking societies with terrorism based on the precepts of their Religion. Too bad Martin you aren’t in a certain Hotel in Mali right now you might be lucky enough to be released by Mali SO trained by my old unit (10th SFG(A) and then again you might not.
And once again we see one of the elements that demand separation of church and state here also demand we accept a religion who lays out the laws by which the states the control must abide.
So what would be the main reason for people murdering his fellow men?
Interesting graphic Robert, yet what are you trying to support. BTW state sponsored homicides of many ME nations are not of course recorded. States do not say hey, I killed this many of my own citizens this year.
Martin ; the Koran was written by a War lord with a Military imperative – Ordering his followers to assimilate infidels to Islam or kill them; no other Holy Book is so barbaric!
As to the issue of Guns??? It’s Bombs & many other Terrorist Weapons such as the hijack of passenger Jets & killing in mass…( the Russian plane last Month is latest ).
There were 220 innocent tourists murdered by an ISIS bomb ; no Guns involved..!
Marsh, all the deaths by terrorist attacks this year pale in significance when compared to the the number of people killed in America with guns this year. And every year. Keeping these refugees out won’t make you safer. Letting them in won’t increase your risk.
Guns are incapable of killing anything. They are inanimate objects that cannot even load themselves. People kill people.
“Marsh, all the deaths by terrorist attacks this year pale in significance when compared to the the number of people killed in America with guns this year.”
Lying again, Marty.
Here’s a list for you.,_2015
What a blind, ignorant little fool you are.
Sorry Marty, but only one religion teaches its adherents to kill in the name of itself. Your massive ignorance of facts continues to amaze!
You forget Tuqyah [practice of deception, lying or concealment for expediency]
Anyone with the misfortune of doing business with muslim learns that is standard practice. If you are female it is even worse because you are invisible even to male children. (Barely averted nasty accident because of this.)
Second the Koran is ordered chronologically. If an older and newer orders contradict it is the newer writing that is correct. And those writing are about killing or demeaning all those who are not male muslims.
Who are you going to believe Martin Smith a Progressive PC enabler or Dr. Sami Alrabaa, an ex-Muslim, who is a sociology professor and an Arab/Muslim culture specialist. Before moving to Germany he taught at Kuwait University, King Saud University, and Michigan State University.
Martin says:
“…. I think you will find that all the people killed by terrorism this year, no matter what religion, is dwarfed by the number of people killed by guns in the US this year…..”
And for once he is correct. The chances of being killed by a gun in the hands OF LAW ENFORCEMENT is much greater than death by terrorism.
Good on ya, Gail. Now direct your energy toward solving that real problem. Black lives matter.
Most (no not all) LEO killings are justified and as a defensive measure by police. I do believe that the police forces need to be reigned in, especially SWAT units but the huge majority of police killings are within the law.
If they really mattered that much to them they would have started by protesting and marching against black on black violent crime and murders because a black person in the US is far more likely to be murdered by another black person.
Much of the “gun violence” death rates are from suicides.
But “very civilized” Japan, which has practically eliminated guns from private hands, has a much higher suicide rate than does the US.
Most of the remainder of gun deaths in the US are connected to youth gangs, almost entirely minorities trained by the US educational system to hate America, to resent authority, and to feel that they are owed entitlements because “black lives matter” and thus attacks on whites are only fair. Attacks on other minorities are also a major problem, the opportunistic offshoot of such attitudes.
===|==============/ Keith DeHavelle
Rah, look at the stats for Chicago shootings:
Martin should go and show how much he cares.
No Marty, all lives matter, your racist statement shows once again what an idiot you are.
for most of the time during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan the murder rate in Chicago exceeded the US KIAs in either country.
Martin Smith says: “Good on ya, Gail. Now direct your energy toward solving that real problem. Black lives matter.”
But not white lives eh, Marty?
What a truly vile little creep you are.
And for once he is correct. The chances of being killed by a gun in the hands OF LAW ENFORCEMENT is much greater than death by terrorism. …
stupid stupid comparison….one of them you have no chance for choice
No, It is a true statement in the USA … for now. And unfortunately it is a growing problem as the Federal government takes over the training and equiping of local police via DHS Fusion Centers.
Also in many cases the person was minding his own business, at home and not in any way a criminal when the police broke into the wrong house and killed the owner.
“Why did you shoot me? I was reading a book” The statement was made by a security guard before he died.
Cops Kill 8 Times More Americans Than Terrorists Do
Number Of Officers Killed In The Line Of Duty Drops To 50-Year Low While Number Of Citizens Killed By Cops Remains Unchanged
But as usual the stats are skewed since they don’t count ‘mistakes’
And just in case you wondered being a cop is not as dangerous as other jobs.
Gov Stats