Stephan Lewandowsky of the University of Bristol, says there is no evidence for a global warming hiatus.
No substantive evidence for ‘pause’ in global warming, study finds
NOAA reported the hiatus. NASA reported the hiatus. CRU reported the hiatus.
All of the most recent satellite data sets report the hiatus.
NOAA Radiosonde data reported the hiatus.
The only evidence that a hiatus didn’t occur is the most recent NOAA/NASA data, which is being investigated by Congress after whistleblowers came forward to report political manipulation and improper procedures.
The hubris of climate criminals like Lewandowsky seems to grow by the day, buoyed by the criminal in the White House.
Criminal? How about accessory to murder before the fact?
This is the thousands killed by alarmist in the tiny country of the United Kingdom.
2010 Pensioners burn books for warmth
2011 Almost 3,000 people die each year as a result of fuel poverty, inquiry finds
2012 Fuel poverty deaths three times higher than government estimates
2013 UK Suffers Coldest March in 50 Years, Global Warming to Blame — Inside Every Liberal Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out (I really like that motto.)
Note that the goal posts have been moved and they are comparing extra deaths to a year that already had extra deaths due to fuel poverty. (see top article)
2014/15 Winter death toll ‘to exceed 40,000’
2015 Death toll soars as cold snap hits UK
Again they moved the goal posts.
And then there is starvation:
To top that off the leftist want to outlaw air conditioning, i just wonder when the people in this world will learn leftist kill, leftist philosophy is the leading cause on unnatural death in all of history.
The left (Fabian Socialist types anyway) have always been Neo-Malthusians and Eugenicists. Notice Paul R. Ehrlich, one of the most prominent neo-Malthusians since the publication of The Population Bomb in 1968, is a professor at Stanford University and his co-writer is Obama’s Science Czar. Note the “prestigious institutions such as Harvard, Yale and Stanford in the United States” were pushing eugenics just a few decades before.
And if you think eugenics has died out, think again. Now it has morphed into ‘Over population’
2004 Why is The Royal Society Hosting a Pro-Eugenics Conference?
Secretary Clinton “In Awe” of Racist Eugenicist Margaret Sanger
Dr Tim Ball Overpopulation: The Fallacy behind the Fallacy of Global Warming
How eugenics poisoned the welfare state: A century ago many leading leftists subscribed to the vile pseudo-science of eugenics, writes Dennis Sewell, and the influence of that thinking can still be seen today
And then you get into Julian Huxley. From WIKI and other sources. link
Huxley was a founding member of the World Wildlife Fund and the first President of the British Humanist Association. In 1959 he received a Special Award of the Lasker Foundation in the category Planned Parenthood – World Population. Huxley was a prominent member of the British Eugenics Society and its president from 1959–1962.
His brother Aldous Huxley wrote Brave New World and corresponded with George Orwell while Orwell was writing 1984. (It would seem both became disillusioned with socialism and eugenics.) While at Eton, Orwell was taught French by Aldous Huxley, it was here they became friends. It was Huxley who introduced Orwell to the Fabian Society.
The Life and Legacy of Julian Huxley
Criminal? How about accessory to murder before the fact? ~ Gail
I think you would also have them on murder as the leaders of a large murder plot. There is no way to claim that they did not know the plot to force UK poor to “heat or eat” would not lead to the sickly and the elderly dying before their time. In fact, I think you have the motive — they think people dying early is a good thing.
The greens are a horror. I think worldwide they may have done more damage to the poor than even Stalin managed to do. (a very high bar indeed)
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be “cured” against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.”
– CS Lewis
That is one of my favorite CS Lewis quotes. Thanks for reminding me of it. 🙂
Mark, I am looking at From a Race of Masters to a Master Race: 1948 To 1848 on Google.
It is a real eye-opener.
(Starting about page 250)
The eugenicists (and Fabians like Winston Churchill) in the USA, UK and Scandinavia were openly speaking of eradicating between 5% and 15% of the population. This also includes one of Hitler’s heroes Henry Ford. In other words it was a popular belief.
The attacks on Christianity are nothing new either.
Staphle, Hitler’s official in charge of gassing facilities, when the killing of the handicapped accelerated, reprimanded Sautter teling him “‘Thou Shalt not kill’ is not a commandment of God at all but a Jewish invention”
It was only thanks to Ike that the USA and the UK woke up from this madness (temporarily)
page 253
“The history of the Holocaust certainly points to the fact that without the photographs and film reels which General Eisenhower insisted upon, the collective revulsion at Hitler’s policies may not have happened.”
Kent Clizbe a few days ago called the Fabians toothless blabbermouths. I find they more along the lines of “..omnipotent moral busybodies….”
Guess who Hilary Clinton’s Heroine is? Secretary Clinton “In Awe” of Racist Eugenicist Margaret Sanger
On page 252 of that book I just cited:
“….Churchill fell under the influence of Beatrice and Sidney Webb, the leaders of the fabian Society right around this time. At one of her famous strategic dinner parties, Beatrice Webb introduced Chirchill to a young protege, William Beveridge, the economist who would ultimately implement many of John Maynard Keynes’ Fabian economic polices once Churchill brought him into the Board of Trade. All of these Britons were devoted eugenicists…”
Keynes and the Soviet Agent Harry Dexter White formed the IMF and World Bank at the Bretton Woods Conference. (July 1–22, 1944)
Keynes was not technically a Fabian, but was Fabian socialist nevertheless
For the “mixed’ economy and government intervention — see how Fascism has been renamed The Third Way. the E.M. Smith link discusses the various forms of economics.
The Third Way ‘came from’ (was reconstituted) by Anthony Giddens, director of the London School of Economics, in his book “The Third Way: The Renewal of Social Democracy” It is supported by both Bill Clinton and Tony Blair (former Fabian Society Chair) who lecture at the LSE. Blair presided over the hanging of the Fabian Window at LSE and Bill Clinton was present at the occasion (again scrubbed from the internet.)
David Rockefeller went to the London School of Economics:
Instead of eugenics and the attack on the Ten Commandments by calling them ‘Jewry’ We now have ‘Animal Rights’ (equating humans with animals) and CAGW/ sustainability. The basic plan is the same just the ‘hobgoblins’ for herding the masses have changed.
I agree, using food crops to produce automobile fuel is a crime against humanity.
Using fertile farmland to grow crops specifically engineered for fuel is a crime.
It is a much worse crime than a lot of people realize because corn is so tough on the soil. Corn is planted with a lot of space between plants and takes a lot of fertilizer. This means a lot of the soil (and fertilizer) ends up in the rivers and streams. My farm was an old tobacco farm. The soil survey showed it had well over 4 feet of the best loam in the county in the 1950s. By 1995 there was nothing left but clay. The soil was so poor they could not get a decent crop to grow so it was sold.
By returning the crop fields to pasture I have managed to build up about 6 inches of top soil. (The monsoons wash away a lot of the ‘organic fertilizer’) This is why the vegan diet the USDA is now hawking is so idiotic and the farming practices coming out of the WTO/OIE/FOA are unsustainable. You NEED livestock to rest and replenish the soil. Also you can produce food on marginal land that is too steep or too rocky to grow crops.
The academics these days are truly idiot savants.
Stephan Lewandowsky of the University of Bristol, says there is no evidence for a global warming hiatus.
I really don’t give a rip about the so-called pause or hiatus. What really counts is the actual temperature. And after more than 25 years and a 40% increase to 400 ppm CO2, the actual temperature isn’t anywhere near what the climate models said it should be by now. The climate models are wrong, and any science based on those models is bunk.
The current global average temperature is actually right where the global climate models projected it would be:
Those aren’t temperatures… Those are anomalies….
It’s easy to make the present look warmer when you are cooling the past. Which 1950 data are they starting from?
Do you realize that 1880 to 1980 warming has nearly tripled since 1980. (After the fact).
Yes, Dave, anomalies are what we use in climate modelling.
We ????? WTF…. you have nothing to do with climate science.
You cannot ever include yourself in climate science, you are a NOTHING… an empty space..
You are a base-level ignoramus when it comes to climate science.. and have proved so on many occasions.
Yet your arrogance outshines that ignorance.
When he says “we” he includes himself with the people who are paying him to visit this website, out of their Obamaclimate money.
You really do fall for the base-level LIES and PROPGANDA don’t you, little Goreboy…
REAL DATA is hard for your to accept.
The current global average temperature is actually right where the global climate models projected it would be……..
Martin, your chart is two years old
Yes, but, globally, the last two years have been the two warmest years on record. And 2015 will be even warmer.
“Yes, but, globally, the last two years have been the two warmest years on record. And 2015 will be even warmer.”
Scientists have developed a special instrument for measuring temperatures. It is called a “thermometer.” Actual thermometer readings do not support your claim. Is it true that some self-styled “climate scientists” assert that the last two years were the warmest, but their assertion is based on ignoring the thermometer readings and substituting their own undocumented numbers instead of actual temperatures.
Globally the last two years HAVE NOT been the warmest, even in the short time period of the satellite data.
Anything from GISS or HadCrut is a load of fraudulently adjusted nonsense and LIES.
The REALITY is that the Erath is only just above the COLDEST PERIOD IN THE LAST 10,000 years.
That is the REALITY that the little Goreboy cannot ever admit to.
It is not hard to “”prove” a certain result when you start “adjusting” the raw data in the direction of the desired result. You are sadly confusing “proof” with propaganda.
Definition of propaganda-Information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.
By constantly warm biasing data in a systematic fashion, in order to arrive at a pre-determined conclusion, the alarmists are obviously engaging in propaganda, not proof!
Your continued use of SkS as a link PROVES that the ONLY thing you are interested in is PROPGANDA LIES and MISINFORMATION, that is all you will ever find on SkS.
You really need to actually learn some REAL FACTS instead of relying on the total crap spewed out by those ignorant nonces.
Oh, I forgot.. you run from REAL FACTS, because you know they will eventually break down your massive brain-washing and ignorance.
Jeez, another SkS cartoon link. Anyone with a brain can look at the graph posted in the article and realize the author is trying to shine a turd. The much inflated “measured” anomaly is greater than what, maybe the coolest 5% of model runs? Similar graph, different conclusion:
Actual or “adjusted” temperatures Martin?
If they are adjusted, please show mew where the actual temperatures are displayed.
You told me they were the other day.
Marty says there is no evidence of fraud. But then Marty thinks the IPCC has identified and quantified all climate forcings, and that they have disproven natural variability.
evidence noun ev·i·dence \?e-v?-d?n(t)s, -v?-?den(t)s\
1- something which shows that something else exists or is true
2- a visible sign of something
Poor Marty.
That’s right, the evidence says the climate models are wrong.
I was actually looking for this graph but thought you guys would like the cartoon.
No, I didn’t say that. I said Steven Goddard has not shown any evidence of fraud. Neither have any of you minions. And no, I don’t think the IPCC has identified all the climate forcings. The IPCC doesn’t actually do the science; the IPCC just gathers and publishes all the science. And no, I don’t claim that all the climate forcings have been found. However, we do know about the greenhouse forcings, and the current global temperature is consistent with the predicted effects of those forcings and the feedbacks they cause. OTH, you have no competing theory. You have no alternative cause or causes that can explain even most of the data, let alone all of it.
It’s not warming… You are a satellite data denier… Don’t you read the article? The only thing that is warming is the fudged surface temperature record.
Dave, the satellites don’t measure surface temperature. Nor do I deny satellite data (sic). However:
One satellite data set is underestimating global warming
Wrong again Martin.
UAH matches the rend of USCRN over the USA almost exactly..
UAH is VERIFIED.. and thus the data extraction routines are VALIDATED.
No-one in your little climate change cult understands that last word.
rend = trend.
And Martin.. you have shown by the links you use that you have ABSOLUTELY NO INTEREST in learning anything REAL about climate and how it works.
All you are interested in is the most base-level, bottom of the barre propaganda lies from SkS and similar. Its all you are capable of understanding.
You are destined to be a climate ignoramus for the rest of your tedious, worthless, little life.
Andy, all the evidence that proves you are wrong is available from this analysis page:
Little Goreboy still hasn’t learnt enough to wake up to that FACT that SkS does NOT do facts……
…. they do PROPAGANDA LIES and DECEIT, which is why the little Goreboy swallows it whole.
Once again, Martin sites SkS cartoons as PROOF! The linked SkS article is mostly a re-post of a Guardian article (incredible propaganda!). I held my nose and read it, main point is:
“For instance, NOAA, Remote Sensing Systems (RSS), and the University of Alabama Huntsville (UAH). The problem is, their results don’t agree with each other.”
Evidence that the differences are not significant, SkS article and Martin are wrong:
Because I know that REAL DATA is something that Martin the Goreboy runs away from in PANIC.. Lets look at the trends since 2005 over the one place in the world that has an proper UNTAINTED surface station record… that being USCRN in the USA.
Let’s also add in the trend of “ClimDiv” from the USA.
Trends in degrees Fahrenheit per year. (to 4 dp so we can differentiate.)
UAH USA = +0.0038
USCRN = +0,0035
ClimDiv = -0.0199
Remember that USCRN is the ONLY pristine evenly space and consistent surface data in the world.
As we can see, UAH USA matches it almost exactly and in fact, UAH is actually running warmer that ClimDiv. !!
So we again see using the ONLY pristine sample, that UAH is actually running a tiny bit HIGH..
And we see that SkS are again LYING THROUGH THEIR AR*ES just like they always have.
This pack of lying deceitful propagandist is who Marty the Goreboy chooses to reference… because he feels so much akin to them.
And lets not forget that UAH runs WARMER than RSS (run by warmist believers who are actually honest and haven’t corrupted the data)
RSS over the USA has a trend of NEGATIVE 0.0302 F/year.
SG has shown MASSIVE evidence of fraud, you are just way to brain-washed to see it.
Go crawl back under Al Gore crevice from whence you came. and stop LYING
Andy, Steven Goddard has not shown any evidence of fraud. He has not even shown any evidence that any adjustment to any dataset is incorrect.
Yes SG has shown MASSIVE EVIDENCE of unjustified data tampering to meet a political agenda.
That is FRAUD..
You can DENY that fact all you want…. but there is nothing that your worthless little propaganda lies and deceit can do about reality of that fact.
Once again, Marty lies…
gator69 says:
November 22, 2015 at 3:41 pm
…And since you failed so misearbly the last time, let’s review some basic climate science again.
1- List all climate forcings, order them from most to least effectual, and then quantify them all.
2- Please provide even one peer reviewed paper that refutes natural variability as the cause of recent, or any, global climate changes.
There is nothing unusual or unprecedented about our climate, or how we got here. For 4,500,000,000 years climates have always changed, naturally. This means there has been a set precedent, and the burden of proof falls on natural climate change deniers like yourself.
Martin Smith says:
November 22, 2015 at 3:48 pm
Thank you for repeating your questions yet again, gator. Here is the answer to both of them yet again:
gator69 says:
November 22, 2015 at 4:03 pm
You really should read links before posting them, because you posted the wrong link, again.
If you believe the answer is in that link, you will need to attempt to show everyone where it is, because it isn’t there.
Are you really as dumb as you pretend?
Hello Marty!
Where did you go? 😆
I asked you once again to show me where in you silly IPCC link we can find answers to these…
1- List all climate forcings, order them from most to least effectual, and then quantify them all.
2- Please provide even one peer reviewed paper that refutes natural variability as the cause of recent, or any, global climate changes.
There is nothing unusual or unprecedented about our climate, or how we got here. For 4,500,000,000 years climates have always changed, naturally. This means there has been a set precedent, and the burden of proof falls on natural climate change deniers like yourself.
You wouldn’t be fibbin’, would you Marty? You can admit an honest mistake, can’t you?
Hello Marty!
IPCC AR5 reported the hiatus/pause/lull/stasis in text box 9.2 and lamented the failure of the GCMs to model it.
Pause what pause? Haven’t you heard the news? GISS fixed it.
My other tag line.
If you can’t hit the broad side of a barn at twenty-five feet, you’re not going to hit the target at one hundered meters.
A Hiatus is a “pause”. In order for something to pause, it must resume. Claims of a Hiatus presumes a warming trend will resume. There is no certainty where the temps are going from here, so it really isn’t a hiatus. It is a period of insignificant trend – along an undetermined function comprised of an unknown number of concurrent processes of varying period and amplitude.
Surely he is not still pretending to do science and statistics !!!!!
His past attempts have been absolutely laughable.
He is the CAGW agenda’s biggest clown.
They should lock away his keyboard because of the damage he does to their cause.
I call him Loony Lew.
Richard Tol (a sane warmist) went after the Kooky Kook paper.
Anyway Tol had his run-ins with Loony Lew and the rest of the crew over the Cooked paper.
LEWANDOWSKY, S. & COULTER, A. 2014b. 24 Critical Errors in Tol (2014) – Reaffirming the 97% consensus on anthropogenic global warming. Brisbane: SkepticalScience, University of Queensland.
SEE: ERL does not want you to read this (Cook et al, 2013, Environmental Research Letters)
In the REFERENCES this was mind boggling! COOK, J. 2014. Skeptical Science consensus paper voted ERL’s best article of 2013.
A big minus to’s reputation that they still let Lewendopey post mindless tripe there, amongst the other mindless tripe.
At least Australia is shot of this arrogant arsehole – if only Bristol would take Cook and SkepticalScience along with Flannery we could salvage some of the previous academic pride in Australia’s institutions.
Please join the effort to reap the best possible harvest from the Paris Climate Conference: “A PEACEFUL AND UNANIMOUS CONCLUSION THAT BENEFITS ALL SOCIETY.”
I miss Marty
In olden days, every village had a village idiot…
…. just for the purpose of keeping people entertained with their stupidity.
Marty served that purpose here. 🙂
In a few years, alarmists will be repeating the “no ice age scare” mantra, except this time it’ll be a “no hiatus reported” mantra.
I’ll say it again: it’s extremely ironic that alarmists should use the “D” label.
They’ll also be saying.. ..
“No, we meant that CO2 makes the planet get COOLER !!!”
“We never said ‘global warming’!”
A characteristic of a criminal and a scam artist is the deliberate use of projection.
If a new ‘friend’ says “He stole it!” chances are the new ‘friend’ is the light fingered person and not the person they accused.
ClimAstrologists continually display this characteristic. We are accused of ‘denying’ the Science, being in the pay of big oil…
They beat us to the punch each time transferring the actions they are making onto us and thereby keeping us from pointing out the truth. If we do try to point out the truth we look lame with our ‘he did it too’.
Wildfires are increasing?
Only if you cherry pick the date of 1970.
Were there no wildfires before 1970? If there were, isn’t this (outdated) study dishonest?
The sheep have have been deceived by corporate funding:
No it is government, or taxpayer money, that has deceived you sheep…
The $1.5-trillion price tag appears to exclude most of the Big Green environmentalism industry, a $13.4-billion-per-year business in the USA alone. The MacArthur Foundation just gave another $50 million to global warming alarmist groups. Ex-NY Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Chesapeake Energy gave the Sierra Club $105 million to wage war on coal (shortly before the Club began waging war on natural gas and Chesapeake Energy, in what some see as poetic justice). Warren Buffett, numerous “progressive” foundations, Vladimir Putin cronies and countless companies also give endless millions to Big Green.
Our hard-earned tax dollars are likewise only partially included in the CCBJ tally. As professor, author and columnist Larry Bell notes in his new book, Scared Witless: Prophets and profits of climate doom, the U.S. government spent over $185 billion between 2003 and 2010 on climate change items – and this wild spending spree has gotten even worse in the ensuing Obama years. We are paying for questionable to fraudulent global warming studies, climate-related technology research, loans and tax breaks for Solyndra and other companies that go bankrupt, and “climate adaptation” foreign aid to poor countries.
Also not included: the salaries and pensions of thousands of EPA, NOAA, Interior, Energy and other federal bureaucrats who devote endless hours to devising and imposing regulations for Clean Power Plans, drilling and mining bans, renewable energy installations, and countless Climate Crisis, Inc. handouts. A significant part of the $1.9 trillion per year that American businesses and families pay to comply with mountains of federal regulations is also based on climate chaos claims.
“No it is government, or taxpayer money, that has deceived you sheep….”
Of course! Why should corporations shell out money when they can get their bought and paid for Congress Critters to shell out tax payer money instead and they can as a result of manipulating the public, scarf up ‘Stimulus Funds”
Follow the MONEY
Corporate funds ====> PAC and individual senate & congress races ====> bills that favor certain industries =====> corporate initial funding of races multiplied 10 fold.
Even Mother Jones figured that one out, Dwayne Andreas has made a fortune with the help of politicians from Hubert Humphrey to Bob Dole… no other U.S. company is so reliant on politicians and governments to butter its bread. From the postwar food-aid programs that opened new markets in the Third World to the subsidies for corn, sugar, and ethanol that are now under attack as “corporate welfare,” ADM’s bottom line has always been interwoven with public policy. To reinforce this relationship, Andreas has contributed impressively to the campaigns of politicians, from Richard Nixon and Hubert Humphrey to Bill Clinton and Bob Dole.
And so have most American voters. Rasmussen Reports — Is Congress for Sale? Fifty-nine percent (59%) of voters think most members of Congress are willing to sell their vote for either cash or a campaign contribution, and 56% think it’s likely their own representative has already done so…. Only 16% don’t think most members of Congress would sell their vote
Back to ADM. Who do you think was pushing Corn Ethanol for Biofuel?
Do not forget that we tax payers pay for that corn ethanol TWICE.
Since Monsanto has had Pinkerton agents sneaking onto farmers land and taking samples and then sueing the crap out of any farmer not buying their seed, much of that taxpayer money goes directly into the pockets of Monsanto. Monsanto Profit Up 23% on Corn-Based Ethanol Demand
ADM profits soar 550 percent as ethanol margins improve
Common Dreams: How Goldman Gambled on Starvation
Council on Foreign Relations: How Goldman Sachs Created the Food Crisis
Why to I bring up Goldman Sachs?
Analysis: U.S. bankers say, love or hate it, ethanol here to stay
And just in case you think Farmers are raking in profits…
Yes, gubmint money along with Big Green, has corrupted the alarmists beyond anything we have ever seen before…
So while The Guardian worries about the dark and evil influence of the fossil fuels industry they don’t seem at all concerned about the vested-monster-in-the-kitchen, the 1.5 Trillion Climate Industry. Ditto for the intrepid souls at the ABC/BBC/CBC who think they speak truth to power, but miss the most powerful lobby in the climate debate.
By the way, you can buy the 200 page Climate Change Consulting Report for $995, or not.
Did NATO Just Attack Russia, Or Was It Climate Change’s Fault?
If they just would stick to the science.
Who said that the heat was hiding at the bottom of the oceans ?
Steve, don’t know if you will see this, but: What graphic do you know of which offers the Best representation of Earth’s temperatures since 1880, before all the adjustments made by NOAA, GISS and others?
Here we go what a coincidence
and it shows nothing in fact its been cooling since 2000 and apparently the met office agrees
There is no convincing evidence of AGW.
Serious climatologists must go back to Aug 1945 and correct for confusion inserted into nuclear and solar physics after WWII in an unsuccessful attempt to stop proliferation of nuclear weapons