It Keeps Getting Better

I had a breakthrough this weekend.

I finally found a safe route to cycle from Boyds, MD to Gaithersburg, MD – and don’t need to take the train any more. My transportation expenses in Maryland are getting close to zero.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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30 Responses to It Keeps Getting Better

  1. philjourdan says:

    Time to raise the cycling tax. You are callously depriving MD of their taxes. 😉

  2. 1saveenergy says:

    I don’t think you should be publishing your whereabouts & destinations, you are causing a lot of trouble & exposing a lot of high end fraud.
    A guy on a bike is easily dealt with.
    stay safe.

  3. beowulftoo says:

    Many years ago I biked from home to Goddard SFC and home ( with a stop at the varsity grill in College Park.) More than 10 miles. It was cheap! Many times I had a flat tire from glass and debris on the side of the road (no bike paths then). And then the problem with occasional showers in the evening. Cheaper than owning a car, but not free.

  4. Andy DC says:

    I just hope you are careful. I have known too many people that had serious or fatal accidents on bikes.

  5. Robertv says:

    A 20 minute ride. Wow.

  6. John Silver says:

    Zero? I bike too and still have to pay for brake pads, tires and the occasional chain and sprocket.
    Not to mention coca-cola, which is my standard bike fuel.

  7. I think you should use you time on this planet to help increase the CO2 level as much as you can, for the plants. There are fossil fuels all around that need to be burned, and riding a bike is very selfish of you, because you are making us do all the work. CO2 levels should be 1000 ppmv or more, and unless we get another P-T mantle plume or asteroid, the only way we can do this is by regular use of automobiles.

  8. Adam Gallon says:

    But but but you’re a hateful Denier! You must be chauffer driven in a Humvee, with Exxon-Mobil logos on it , smoking a cheroot, lit with the $100 bills provided for you by The Koch Brothers!
    Funny old world eh? Those who point out the Emperor’s dress sense, like yourself & A.Watts Esq (Driver of a little electric car) are the ones using the type of transport that those who tell us we must make sacrifices to Save the Planet are travelling in a manner that is so evil!

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