NOAA Hockey In North Dakota

NOAA created a fake hottest winter ever through an impressive hockey stick of data tampering, but nowhere more so than North Dakota.

Screenshot 2016-03-09 at 03.01.59 PM

global warming blamed for temperatures 4.6 degree above normal 

This past winter was tenth warmest in North Dakota, nearly 2C cooler than 1931. Two years ago was one of their coldest winters on record.

Screenshot 2016-03-10 at 09.17.35 AM

NOAA created the hottest winter ever, by adding more than two degrees F on to 2016 temperatures, and subtracting  -0.4F from 1931.

Screenshot 2016-03-10 at 07.04.50 AM

Threatened by funding loss after the next election, NOAA is massively ramping up their hockey game.  More updates on this soon.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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26 Responses to NOAA Hockey In North Dakota

  1. David Cameron says:

    I put all my faith in Al Gore. I believe we’ll all be dead of sunstroke by next Thursday at 2:35 PM.

  2. eliza says:

    OT but Martin Smith’s efforts here to get the DMI 30% ice off the web succeeded. Let us hope DMI ice ect now disappears from the web unless as a junk site LOL

  3. sfx2020 says:

    The official NCDC data for ND shows a 30 yr cooling trend for winter (1987-2016)

    Tmax -5.5F

    Tmin -1.8F

    Because with 2016 now being the end date, 1987 is the start date for a 30 year trend.

    But 1985-2014 shows a cooling trend

    So does 1986-2015

    This is also true for the Upper Midwest, and the Ohio Valley climate region, using the official NCDC data.

    Even the Rockies show winter cooling for Tmax, for the thirty year trend.

    Strange days.

    Hockey stick please don’t demean those magic sports devices…
    This is a thorny upside down instrument of…..?
    That is a…..

  5. sfx2020 says:

    Wow, because I was there looking at the ND winter temps, went ahead and looked at the annual trends.

    For North Dakota. This is the official climate NOAA NCDC data.

    30 year trend is cooling. The annual mean shows cooling, for a thirty year trend, I was all like, wtf? Seriously?

    The Tmax is the main reason, -3.6F

    Tmin shows -.01F

    1986-2015 trend for the average is -1.9F

    Also noticed the 2006-2015 average is 41F, but the previous decade, 1997-2006 is 41.9F, so the last decade was cooler than the previous one.

    I know, I know, North Dakota is not the world. But it’s till North Dakota.

    And it has been cooling. Using a thirty year trend. Somebody needs to get to adjusting them temps. People will get the wrong idea. Especially with the snow data showing more snow, as the winters cool.

  6. sfx2020 says:

    Damn it, the above should read

    Tmin shows -.0.1F

  7. gator69 says:

    I’ll ask again. Why bother with measuring temperatures, if you are just going to make the numbers up anyway? Since the science is settled, and we are not going to use the data we collect, just shut down all temperature measuring activities and save us some money. It’s like having an election in North Korea.

  8. AndyG55 says:

    I’ve added February to the USCRN/satellite data graph. Nothing unusually warm happening.

  9. AndyG55 says:

    A quick analysis of UAH USA48 gives the following DJF anomalies (deg C)

    1999 … 0.970
    2000 … 0.913
    2015 … 0.780
    1992 … 0.757
    2016 … 0.717

    Got too get ready for work, will look at USCRN, RSS etc later.

  10. Henry P says:

    I cannot remember the map now
    is Winnipeg near North Dakota?
    I did notice that in Winnipeg, rainfall has been dropping at an alarming [average] rate of -2mm/annum since 1982.
    Anyone here know why?

    • kamas716 says:

      I realize 25 years seems like a long time, but it really isn’t. If you look about 200 miles SW of Winnipeg you’ll find Devils Lake. It’s land locked now, but it’s been in a wet cycle since ’93 and has been growing. It’s almost to it’s natural breakout elevation where it’s waters will eventually pass through Winnipeg. Eventually there’ll be another dry cycle (maybe it starts this year?) and it will shrink back down.

  11. Leon Brozyna says:

    NOAA’s question isn’t, “What’s the temperature?”, it’s, “What do you want it to be?”

  12. Billy says:

    The NOAA is either becoming increasingly fraudulent…or your method of subtracting raw temperatures from gridded temperatures without accounting for missing stations is incorrect.

    • Jason Calley says:

      Hey Billy! If you find something substantively wrong, please let us know! As near as I can tell, Tony has a pretty solid case. Remember that he is not subtracting raw from gridded; he is subtracting average raw from average gridded and “adjusted”. The HCN stations were chosen (in part) for their fairly even spatial distribution, so gridding should not (in an honest analysis) make much difference. Likewise, the HCN stations were also chosen (in part) for their high quality site characteristics, so adjustments should not (in an honest analysis) make much difference. Lastly, the HCN stations were chosen (in part) for their long and fairly complete records, so missing stations should not (in an honest analysis) make much difference either. The fact that the official product consistently produces cooling in the past and warming in the present is an absolute red flag. If the “climatologists” were accountants they would be indicted in a heartbeat.

  13. kamas716 says:

    While it was warm here in ND this winter (Bismarck hit 70 in February for the first time), it’s nothing special. It’s an el Nino year. A couple of years ago it was brutally cold. It was nothing special then either. It happens.

  14. Henry P says:


    my investigations show a long term cooling trend, which is more apparent at the higher latitudes.

    Because the trend is global, it means [statistically] a smaller chance of precipitation at the higher latitudes and more rainfall at lower latitudes, per solar cycle. Hence, rainfall is down in Winnipeg, by about 100mm per year since 1982.

    How to explain the increase of your lake? It puzzled me a bit. My theory is that less clouds and rain mean more sunshine hours during the day and more misty conditions during the night which in turn actually then causes more snow to melt.

    That is all I can think of. The climate IS changing.

    It is going to get a lot cooler and drier in your area soon.and a return of the “dust bowl drought’ era towards the end of this decade. If I were a big farmer up there I would look for greener pastures southwards.

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